gAmE iS dEaD - no its not šŸ˜”

But you also have to take into account that this is non ladder, the mode some poeple claimed would be a ghost town because everyone plays ladder. I didnā€™t even check ladder during that time.

Cross play would be amazing

The games that are up arenā€™t all reflected on the list. Iā€™ve verified this with a lot of different people who live across the world making games that I canā€™t see. The search function is still not very good, although better than nothing. There are thousands online for sure.

Says the boot licker. LOL

This game seems dead cause of the ladder splitting up the player base and not many people play HC. I play on both console and PC and see the same list of mostly yellow connections and few greens. I think cancelling ladder after season 2 would be a good idea as that would bring all players together in one place and maybe have more games with 5 or more players. Also bring cross-play to the game so all players can play together reguardless of what platform they play on seeing as right now you have 3 seperate groups of players the PC players, Xbox players, and PlayStation players none of which have that big of a playerbase arguably PC likely has the most players of the 3.

I did not put Nintendo Switch in there as I am not sure if Switch can even handle a lobby of more than 4 players on this game

Iā€™ll be leaving the game soon, but because of Blizzard being unable to do a simple fix/assurance of life change.

Came back to D2 on this ladder because a long time friend insisted and presented me a copy.

We play HC (canā€™t play SC, not caring about death = supreme boredom).

However for an unfathomable reason the game sometimes freezes, says ā€œcanā€™t connect to serverā€ and disconnects me. A second or two later Iā€™m back logging into char selection screen, except that the character I was playing stays hanging inside the game for some good 30 secs or more, no way to retrieve, so if I get disc in a bad positionā€¦ its death.

Dunno why this happens, I rarely/never lose signal or stay hanging in any game for years, but in D2R sometimes this happens 3x in an hour, and sometimes I can play the whole day without getting a single disc.

It would be very simple for Blizzard to just revert the hanging time of disc chars, back to what it was in D2 original, or to make it even less. Hell they could just make a checkbox ā€œwhenever you log/enter into character selection screen, automatically retrieve all/any character that may be inside games.ā€ There, I would never die again to disc.

But no. Blizzard is intent on killing my chars. Iā€™m at my wits end about losing time/effort/fun. And then some people find it strange when you simply dislike this company with all your heart.

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Did someone forget that there are more countries and timezones than USA?

3 month timeout and you have learned nothing. Keep going and you will get your next timeout. How long will it be?

The game died a long time ago. Thereā€™s a small community that enjoys playing it. Theyā€™d probably get the same satisfaction being given a few hundred quarters and playing slots. Loot just is not rewarding, so people have no reason to come back and want to find the stuff all over again.

If loot was more accessible, and didnā€™t rely on forum currency, more people would play. Why? Because beating up on the demons and leveling up is a fun experience to go thru on a Friday-Saturday night. Got a free evening? Wanna go level up another character? Sounds like fun. However, people want to be able to do that, and end the play session with enigma and hota.


Wrong genre. You want to play an arcade game and not an arpg

Iā€™m happy to see Iā€™ve won against all of your inane arguments several times already. All you do is troll post and respond with gaslighting comments then go hide behind your mothers apron because everything you say is baseless and childish.

Iā€™m starting to think you work for Blizzard or know someone that does because the stuff you post is very condescending, childishly argumentative and insulting to other users and you seem to never get a ban for it. Then again not everyone is a weakling like you that goes at reports users for winning arguments against them.

The worst part is you actively go out seeking my posts and responding to them, youā€™re like a hemorrhoid that wonā€™t go away. Youā€™re not going to win against me :slight_smile: So just give it up buddy. Iā€™d suggest just not responding to my messages in the future because you could get me banned 1000 times and it wonā€™t matter, I donā€™t live on them like youā€¦ this is seriously all you have in your life and itā€™s laughable.

Also it wasnā€™t a 3 month time out, I was timed out for maybe a day or two and Iā€™ve since stopped playing this game months before that. I just checked back to see if the sunder charms have come to non-ladder and happened to see your troll response and figured Iā€™d comment. :slight_smile: Because why not? You donā€™t scare me key board warrior.

You just want to be right and get the last word because youā€™re seriously a sad insecure person and it showsā€¦ but Iā€™m here to tell you, youā€™re never going to beat me. :slight_smile: Also when you think youā€™ve won an argument with your one trick pony responses and then report me after wards, thatā€™s not winning, thatā€™s you whining. Just figured Iā€™d clear that up for you in case you thought you were being smart.

Keep responding. I cringe and laugh at everything you postā€¦ itā€™s honestly pathetic at this point.

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I must have hurt your feelings. You come back after a 3 month ban and instantly start insulting me and lying. Itā€™s very sad to see that I live rent free in your head and after 3 month you still have so strong feelings about me.

I would suggest that you seek help from a professional because your behaviour seems very unhealthy.

Donā€™t give in to your delusional thoughts. Stay in reality and get help.

I donā€™t know why you are lying like that when itā€™s easy to see that you come here after 3 months and tag me in your post with insults. If you want to be my fan and get my attention, you have to stop acting like a 12 year old.

I donā€™t get you banned, thatā€™s all your own work. You should maybe try to discuss a topic and bring up arguments like a grown up instead of trolling.

Since I havenā€™t read anything worthy of my time from you since your first post, you will be added to my ignore list.

Take care and get help. You can have the last word as it seems to mean so much to you.

just made a 200fcr charged bolt sorc and ill tell ya she is a room clearer!!!

not even reading this, get help budā€¦

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It is dead because it is a mediocre at best game in todayā€™s standards. Very poor and disappointing remake. Hopefully things change in the future.

Youā€™re smart for doing this btw, his crap is not worth reading. Just ignore that person.

Absolute truth here. Most people who ā€œenjoyā€ it trade with exploiters and botters and not really play the game themselves and find their own items.

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Where ever there is discord here come old zahraā€¦
I am quite surprised you didnā€™t push your /p8 narrative around here.
Pitiful troll!


rollback FHR 2.3


These lists are not indicators of a game being dead. Theyā€™re indicators of games that exist, already being full.

There have been less & less public games because pickit went public, and free, so the amount of gear theft is absurd.

youd need a fresh ladder every 6 weeks for this game to feel alive.

thatā€™s about how long it takes for the average player to go ā€œoh snap look at all the 99s, i guess this oneā€™s overā€ and play other games.

reset every 6 weeks could ā€œfixā€ that but brings other problems heh

IF this game is dead, then can you please give me all your stuff? Runes, Gems, Gold, gear? If itā€™s dead and not worth playing, I could really use an infinity and an enigma, and a Lightning Sundering Charm for Assassins.

K thx

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