Drop rates suck

Before you respond: The fact that YOU have had no issues with the drop rates, because you got lucky, has no impact on people who don’t get lucky.

The Facts: 2000 Meph kills without a single useable or tradable item. I was however able to complete 54 full sets of Saigon’s Armor

100+ hours of farming Hell Cows: Not a single rune drop over Sol with the exception of a single Ist rune.

Level 88 that has not had a single useable unique/set item drop in ANY GAME. Every item I currently have was traded for by farming 4os Monarch and trading for Um runes.

You can argue all you want that Loot drops are fine but this gameplay experience isn’t fun, doesn’t make anyone want to continue playing, and will ultimately lead to D2R being a dead game again like D2 legacy.


Oh well, not everyone gets lucky.

If you want items raining down on you, there is a Diablo game that has that covered.


Don’t put words in my mouth. At no time did I ask for Uniques to rain from the sky like D3. This is a dishonest response. If you can’t have an honest conversation about drop rates then please stay out of the conversation


I didn’t put words in your mouth. lol

All I said is if you want a bunch of items dropping, there is a diablo game that has that covered.

Diablo 2 is going to have spells where you don’t get much of anything. That’s what makes it great when you actually DO find something. Making the drop rates higher will only cheapen that experience of actually finding something good.

All I can suggest is find a way to kill monsters faster and stack more magic find.


I have thousands of hours invested in the original D2 and LoD. At no time did the game make me feel like I was wasting my time. D2R makes me feel like I’m wasting my time. This is not the same game under the hood.

I have over 400% magic Find so this is not the case


As do I. The drop rates are the same as the old game. You’re just going through a bout of bad luck.


Diablo 2 drop rates are part of the charm, and that’s coming from someone who would like changes to the game.

I can understand the frustration not seeing any good loot for hours, but that’s what makes it special when you finally find something.

Increasing drop rates can be fun, but imo it shouldn’t happen in the main game. I have seen single player mods for D2R that will give you a drop from any monster, well worth checking out if you like playing solo.


That sucks for you. There’s a few ways games can make items scarce and I look to Diablo vs WoW as an example. In WoW you can reliably acquire the best items but it requires you to set time aside to play with other people and almost treat the game like a part-time job. In Diablo it’s all about luck. I prefer Diablo lately because I’m sorta anti-social, but luck is also inherently unfair. Taking the most extreme and irregular examples somebody, somewhere, will acquire good loot at a small fraction the rate of the most lucky players. It is unfair, but we accept it.

I don’t expect it to change and there is luck in every game, I just almost feel like there should be some complex formula to help unlucky players along just a tiny bit in games that depend almost entirely on luck.

Also, have you really done 2000 Mephisto runs and 100+ hours of cows in 12 or so days? I’m not saying you didn’t but that’s a lot of work for a short time :upside_down_face:


Out of curiosity, how long does it take you to (mostly) clear Hell cows?

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It’s really not. Meph runs take about 3 minutes per run. I can clear hell cows in maybe 6-7 minutes at most.


The bad luck will wear off. Keep at it, Lady Luck will tap your shoulder soon enough.


by this logic dropping 1 shako for the playerbase every 20 years would make the game even better right?


i wouldn’t really farm hell cows for anything they got so nicely nerfed in 1.10 they aren’t worth much if you can kill any other high density area i would do that instead

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I’m raising an eye at 2K Meph runs.

Even with your own numbers and we assume ZERO delay in game creation:

2000 Meph runs x 3 minutes = 6000 minutes = 100 hours = 4.2 days
100 hours of Cow Runs = 4.2 days

So in 12 days you would have had to play D2R 8 days or 66% of the total hours since then…

Yeah… I believe you’ve done a ton of runs without getting items but this seems like a gross exaggeration just lookin gat the hours.


Uh, yeah, sure. lol :stuck_out_tongue:


I think the most frustrating thing currently is the Rune trading value of items. The player base currently feels Shako (1:711 dropraate @400%mf) is equivalent to a Vex rune (1:54000 not affected by MF). So how exactly are people obtaining these incredibly rare runes to trade for an incredibly common item in comparison?


Take your pick:

  • D2JSP
  • Bots
  • People overvaluing rarer unique items because a large enough % of the playerbase doesn’t fully grasp runes

that’s only because people charge a similar price on websites for the 2 atm, you can thank jsp for that bull

i literally had someone refuse a trade because they said that an ist for a shako (though higher than what it is actually worth) is too low because they could get more forum gold and buy a vex with it


And for someone who choose to take 4 weeks vacation to play D2R could easily accomplish this. So what’s your issue?

Keep in mind that 1:711 drop chance for HQ Shako is from one monster. I’ve found Gul and Ohm so far, both of which came from white trash monsters. (Hell Cows)

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