Ploot is really about

So you basicly described everyone in a baal run that is not the java or the Teleport Sorc , sounds to me like 80% of every online lobby is leeching and the dps / monster HP was balanced around this fact .

Now since this is obviously the original design of the game , adding optional personal loot to split the loot among players randomly might actually improve the multiplayer quality of the game a lot so we don’t end up with one person vacuuming all the loot with his controller after Baal dies .

is that not what we were talking about ?

I am pretty sure I ask you to link

“So what does it say to you that FFA proponents are among those that “are crying” for increased drop rates, consensual PvP, etc…?”

since you claimed you saw such post. I want to see it for myself.

and I said you can cross-reference the names in those threads and threads where people give their opinion on anti-ploot or pro-ploot.

And that is their stance. I have no problem with their stance on things. So please link me on this forum where " FA proponents are among those that “are crying” for increased drop rates, consensual PvP, etc…?"

After all you claimed that you saw such post did you not?

This is not any type of reason worthy of a complete change of the core programming of D2.

If you can’t kill high level content then get better.
Spend a little more time farming areas you can and you will magically find you progress to the next level and so on.

and by your own links. Where did any of the posters is PRO FFA loot again? One was advocating for PLOOT. The other one say leave the game as it is do not change it ( natural ) and you got one from the game that have not even been release yet. All the way up in Aug 21 with 1 post.

You simply need to look through the names in those threads and cross-reference those who posted for and against ploot. There are a many in those threads. This is why I was reluctant to post threads because I knew that you would deny the facts. I am not falling for your trick of trying to get me to name specific posters. I will not violate the forum CoC.

In addition, I even know of one anti-ploot forum poster who defends botting.

Back when the ploot discussions was at their highest, plenty of FFA proponents were also arguing for higher droprates, easier respeccing etc.

We should not listen to them of course.
Add a good Timed Allocation system. But never increase droprates. Never make respeccing easier than it already is - heck, roll back the endless respecs.

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In addition, i even know 3 pro-ploot forum poster who deffends botting. Plus i know a ploot white knight who plays now with controller and rly likes to use vacuum button.

I am not surprised. Having an opinion on one issues typically does not define your stance on all issues. This proves the point that this thread was built on a false premise.

Except you neglect a key fact, I play primarily solo where I can take my time to pick up items and switch to mouse and keyboard as needed. Using the vacuum feature when playing solo is counterproductive and stupid since then you need to go into your inventory and drop a bunch of items.

Common sense 101.

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Yep. It was built on automated gift system desires.

Translation: I play m+k solo and public throne room but switching to controller at Baal.

Common sense 101.

Common sense 101 says I would not be advocating for optional ploot as it would mean that I get less drops. It is simple logic.


Well not cus tons of other amateurs using controller too. You are not the only one.

You are grasping at straws and simple logic proves you are wrong.

The thread has deviated greatly from the original topic at this point. It is hard to say whether Blizzard will add ploot or not. Both sides stated reasons for their stance each has and concerns. I hope regardless of the stance that Blizzard takes all valid input into account while leaving bad logic out of the equation. For example their decision shouldn’t be based on the impact it would have on people that profit off the game and the botters in the community. It should be based on what makes the game better as a whole while maintaining the old school feel. For example Demon Souls and Dark Souls games are known for having an amazing atmosphere along with how well the environment is. These are dark and twisted in how the games are constructed. Removing an element to this could ruin that things for those games. The same can be said about modifying too much with Diablo 2. Trying to clean up too many flaws can lead to the game feeling very different. I just want things properly tested before being added to the game. While I want certain systems like Rune Crafting to actually be useful and not an extreme time waster I don’t want it to become stupidly easy.

I am on the camp of changes need to be properly tested before adding them to the live version. This also means the impacts the changes have on other elements of the game. I am in favor of things becoming more enjoyable for people as long as it doesn’t make things less enjoyable for others (with the exception of those trying to make real life profit and botters as these people are just taking advantage of others as well as Blizzard not taking legal action).

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So you think you are the only one who is using controller? The truth is you cant compete with other controller users thats whay you still so desperate for ploot.
You cant make difference between your feelings and logic.

Your argument carries no weight.

Let’s assume you are right (which you are not) that means every public game I join has at least one or more controller user who is better than me at vacuuming up gear (which is not accurate but it is your claim).

As a corollary to this, it suggests that the vast majority of public games have at least one controller user. If there are non-controller users in those games, than there are at a disadvantage for boss drops.

So essentially, you prove why optional ploot is needed since almost every public game has a controller user. Thanks for proving unequivocally why ploot is needed.

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So long as # controller users < # of total players present when loot drops, controller users stand to get less loot in a ploot system that doesn’t increase drop rates.

You are completly wrong again. Controller support needs to end at pc and the problem is solved. But then you would back where you started. The fact you cant get loot in public game if you play only with m+k cus you lack with reflexes on picking up loot.

All in together you lack where competition is.