Drop Rates need to adapt for 4-monthed seasons

We have been saying it before release dude, anyone with common sense can see it.

I just hope Blizzard delivers. Nevermind those toxic loud minority, D2: LoD exists for them. They probably are the exploiters who benefit from legit fair players’ frustration.

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Drop rates are fine.



Is trading the point of the game? I thought the point of tbe game was entertainment.

some people say ubers is the hardest in the game. You can gear a char up from a ist to do ubers. AND FKING IST: yer the drope rate is to high. lower them.

I have been disagreeing with you lately, but that’s the beauty of discourse, right? Anyways, I agree with all of this, except the last part. However, imagine if there could be no bots or foul-play trading, just legit 100% players.

Do you feel the reward of finding something mega rare like a SOJ or Ber rune under these circumstances would outweigh the desire to adjust the drop rates?

Wouldn’t it be nice if every human on Earth wakes up with 1 million $ too? This is an impossible scenario that will never be achieved…

As far as I am concerned it is a broken game design that the developers need to fix. We work with what we have, and with what is within our [devs’] control.

I didn’t realize that discords to trade items with people for other items that i need was considered “shady RMT trading websites with “currencies””

I thought thats what he was saying lol, yeah the drop rates in TZ are WAY to high

no, then money would become worthless.if everyone woke up with a 80, 3 carat diamonds(which is around 1 million dollars) in there possession diamonds would be worthless

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I agree that they should do more seasonal “buffs” or bonuses of some kind just to create more hype around a ladder season. But then I don’t know if it would be fair to do something like high rune bonus season and then dump those runes back into NL.

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Drop rates needs to improve this is a fact, I see majority Liking my posts as they want it too.

Lol no, drop rates are fine and one of the reasons this game stood the test of time. Go away and take all your crappy troll suggestions with you.

This game is obviously not for you.


Drop rate is not a problem go Play d3 if you want lego rains from the sky


iam no math expert. but your first post has 4 likes.
The post after that is not for it has 14 likes
4<14, you are welcome. i know math is hard.


:rofl: your 4 other accounts dont count as a majority…


No it wouldnt, it would be disaster, comparable maybe only with full on nuclear war…
It really is fairly obvious

oh boy, do i have news for you, diamonds aren’t actually rare or valuable.

I feel the changes coming, it’s good D2R is a live-service game and Blizzard can just make official polls to see what the majority wants, and it’s good its patches do not effect D2: LoD!

I know this is for a different thread but the same issue where it is roughly a 50/50 split, but you quoted it in this thread to say it is not a majority.

Now you are using much smaller numbers a few posts ago. The internet does not forget.

You do not need to be a math expert to see in this thread, you now decided to quote a much smaller number of like to get a skewed result.

It was more clear what the majority want pre-release and first months of release because now most of them quit due to major game problems (drop rates being a main one) and purists are known to multi-client. Most of those Likes are the same individuals.

Player retention is all times bad because D2R has been in the “purists’ definition of pure” form (which isn’t even “pure” D2, it’s 1.14) for so long. I understand they never intended this to happen they were working on stability, which is why first Ladder took so long but it is what it is.

Game will probably gain a lot more players if they fix drop rates, add ploot, add player x command and etc. by the time it hits Gamepass after the acquisition.

A simple email survey by Blizzard can do wonders, excluding multi-accounts.

Nah we all quit because of the dumb changes you and your cronies have been advocating got put in.