So making a game available to non-lifers who have something else to do with their lives than playing one game for 8+ hours is supposed to proof my “lack of common sense”? Purists try so hard to dismiss people. Dude, purists are the most common sense lacking people you can ever meet online.

I don’t think you understand how free to play games work. At all.
So you won’t present any sources but go the usual “omg you don’t understand I am right because I understand”. Not a good look. Show other F2P PC games doing as good please.

Those numbers are literally everyone who clicked accept on the eula and installed the game. It’s free, LOTS of people installed it. That’s not even remotely the same as a “player-base.” My gaming cycle is myself and 6 others. We’ve all installed the game, and logged in. Only 2 of us played a match, none of us played more than that though.
If this is the number who just even clicked OW2 on the launcher it’s still huge. You are not going to dismiss that one easily. Blizzard are doing great.

That number is a BS PR number. Reality is only a small fraction of that number made it past the “play a match or two” phase. Only a fraction of those players will spend money on the game.
Source please?

Seriously how are you so gullible?
I sure am because I think I am right without showing any source.

Also do YOU believe the politics you read on Twitter?
Now I know your thinking abilities and level. How is “politics on Twitter” compare to official news and announcements?

Because if you do, I’m sorry. This is exactly what I was talking about. You are lacking in the common sense and street smarts department something heavy.
Beat that strawman, beat it hard! You’re still wrong.
Also I got more streets smarts than any of y’all, I got them from… Terror Zoned Uber Tristram!!!