Do you think it's possible to design a ploot system to satisfy concerns? How would it work?

The statement he made isn’t true. There has already been several threads made in the past that have evidence from Rod Fergusson and streamers like Rhykker that talked about an personal loot option. He is just misinformed.

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No. FYI Rod Fergusson is the head of the entire diablo franchise. A collection of his tweets are linked below. See:

Blizzard has actively discussed optional loot systems and apparently those discussion may still be ongoing.*

'* Of course, right now I bet they have bigger fish to fry given the server issues.

And all you have to do is supply one good reason that stands up to scrutiny as to why it shouldn’t be implemented. You can’t. So it will.

we have literally A-Z

yes but it will one day in D2R

takes you up on that bet and will check back in 1 years time

yes, why fight it so hard

its wild isent it. blizzard discussed things.

Here LordDagger, refer to what Micro just posted above to become informed about the current state of the issue.

Yes, they’ve even discussed how they would implement it – which means they’ve gone very in depth in discussions. Might even be a done deal, and they’re just waiting to roll out the PR. That’s where my money is.

If you want ploot, go play Diablo 3 or retail WoW. Get off your high horse and stop demanding ploot in a game that never had ploot to begin with.

How long do I have to wait in this thread for a valid argument against the optional system and not just the same regurgitated statements like I just quoted again above.

It’s never gonna happen guys. It’s just not in the cards. PooLoot is against the very nature of D2. It doesn’t matter what version of PooLoot gets implemented. It will rob D2 of a little bit of that old school charm real D2 players grew up with. It’s actually terrifying to think what this game will become. A bastardization. A mockery. Corrupted.

Literally has no affect on you at all if you don’t use it. So you’re living in lah lah land with this nonsense.

lol bro, I am here everyday on the search. Now sense like april/may. It adds to the weight of our argument and a testament to its viability to have withstood this many months of onslaught. The devs have taken notice like Bodach mentioned

i fixed it for you…

Ironically, the creator of D2/D2:Lod said that his 3 biggest changes with the original game if he could go back in time and fix things are:

  1. Removal of stamina bar
  2. Auto-gold pickup
  3. Instanced loot replacing FFA loot

The reason that instanced loot was not in D2/D2:Lod originally was that it had not been invented yet. Most of the big names (Brevisk, Schaefer brothers, and 40 others) left Blizzard North in 2003 which is why the game did not change much after patch 1.10.

Debate, arguing, is pointless. Blizzard should do surveys and then act on them.

he also later said somthing els, and you know it. why dont you post that video?
he said in the D2R video, that the game stod the test of time. and he was not sure he would fix it…

its the only way to “troubleshoot” any potential problems before implementing tho. So debate is kinda necessary

You fixed it for me? Please…You couldn’t even fix your spelling that I quoted above.

:rofl: Streamers. Come on.

The video where he say it would be ok to add an instanced loot option in D2R if Blizzard wanted to or the video where he says that they should consider adding personal loot option but not sure if they should go through with it for D2R.

In both cases, he discusses that an optional instanced loot system in D2R should be considered.

If you want a shorter statement, there is this about D2R on February 20 right after D2R was announced.

David Brevik on Twitter: “They could add modern things like: Instanced loot, auto-gold-pick-up, remove the stamina bar, all sorts of stuff. It looks like they are not making many changes, but I didn’t believe it would be exactly the same game and it isn’t.” / Twitter