Do you think it's possible to design a ploot system to satisfy concerns? How would it work?

yes you could… but would you?

its not valid in your eys. because you only want it YOUR way. you are selfish. and you showed it … bots and pickit is only a problem. if it affect you… screw anyone els… its me me me me

Of course not. You’re just ignorant of what is going on around you. I’m letting you know that getting a pickit is very easy. It’s all over the place on community forums. Your ignorance of this doesn’t matter to reality at all.

i have seen this websites. but i havent seen the stuff work…

i can also say. hey iam looking for the lotto numbers. but will i get the right once?

So anyway, there has yet to be any argument against ploot that stands up to any scrutiny. The devs should implement a ploot option as soon as they can.

Hands you the award for Winner of Thread

Weeeee! We did it! high five.

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woot! :rofl: winner winner ploot for dinner

so when you say ther has been no argument against ploot. thes you oppinion, it dosent mean its true…

it wont happen… so keep the :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: comming

We shall see, guys, we shall see.

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Sure it does. Name one argument that hasn’t been handily debunked. You can’t. It doesn’t exist.

this just show it all… iam right no matter what. if i dont get it my way, its not right… hmmmm. it reminds me of toodlers…

The game has never had a ploot option nor has it ever been discussed or promoted by anyone outside of players on the forum.

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we are toodles for toddlers around here hey bugles? :rofl:

The fact that you just stated that is why I now know you are new regarding this topic. Go look at some of the older threads on the other forum before it changed to this one.

So… you can’t name a single argument that’s held up to scrutiny? That’s what I thought. Thanks for illustrating it.

You can’t really debunk anything. Ploot doesn’t exist in D2. It never will exist. It’s the fevered dream of a madman. Some QoL changes can be fine. Even…. GOOD. But remember. You can’t spell Ploot without “poo”.

It also never had a colorblind option, now it does. So what?

i fixed it for you… you are welcome

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All I’m saying is don’t count your ploot before it FFA drops on the ground. XD