4 and a half months later, still no ladder

Hard to imagine we would be where we are…not even a date of ladder start. Damn shame.

Edit: Make holy bolts from FoH dmg all monsters types.


Keep in mind it’s been put back again now, it won’t be arriving with 2.4, but “sometime after”, and of course, we have heard that before.

I don’t mind waiting myself, providing we actually get something concrete, but it’s easy to have little faith because it’s almost par for the course that the goal posts get changed.

I know. The 12 people that would play ladder must be real disappointed.


you mean what everyone has / is waiting for. the launch of d2:r wasn’t even as busy as it should’ve been, because of no ladder.

maybe you don’t get it baalor, maybe you’re a non-ladder noob who needs 4 months to build a character. i don’t know. but the majority of diablo players look forward to the race, as silly and unexciting as it is, we look forward to it.


And yet everyone has said just be patient. I said this was theft from the start once it went past a month with no date and refunds denied. I’m sick of seeing people excuse this. They KNEW they wouldn’t have ladder ready and intentionally mislead for profit and the people that don’t care either don’t like ladder or just are clueless to how they got played.


march soon man… i feel ya

It’s beginning to get really irritating. We’ll be lucky to see ladder release by the end of March at this snail’s pace.


I want ladder as much as any but they just havnt focused on the real problems yet and having a broken game with ladder just wont be worth it.

LOL when ladder starts and is still as barren as it is now, you’ll see.

While blizz for sure needs improved communication I don’t care how long it takes, as long as when it does launch, both lobby and server work, otherwise just another hiccup for people to get annoyed about.

So I guess you have not read any of their posts, reason they didn’t launch ladder is because of the server database crashes issue, and in phase 1 of 2.4 PTR it was to test the stability of the new code they wrote to tackle this exact issue

Would you rather have them launch the ladder with tons of crushes issue or you want to make sure everything is stable and go with the fun experience?

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I’d rather they deliver what they promised. The reason they had to push it out the game as basically a beta was because the pre sale promised a final game by that date. Ladder was originally part of the selling points THEY made in presale. I don’t care if there are sever issues. That should have been tested. I understand unforeseen errors happen but they shouldn’t take 5 months. That is nothing but disrespect and as I’ve said before. Theft.


Ladder is pointless

Nobody cares about the race to 99

We need stuff to do


Except your request is simply unrealistic at this stage because you can’t go back in time, and it has no way of helping current situation.

The fact that they’re even having a “Ladder PTR” next week tells me they didn’t even have the capability to have ladder play at launch.

Ladder was supposed to be “soon” after D2R launch.

Now Ladder is supposed to be “soon” after 2.4 launch.

If they’re still going on their promise of Ladder being in Q1 of 2022, I expect them to deliver it on the very last day: March 31st


It does when the forum is full of people justifying the pathetic roll out of ladder or ladder isn’t important or no one wants ladder. Tons of people want ladder. Just because you don’t doesn’t mean the majority doesn’t. The reason they got away with this theft is attitudes like yours. They lied to all of our faces and half this forum still believe they are doing their “best”. I call bs. They have our money so what’s the rush on their part and they’ve made it very clear there is none. There is no error that should have prevented ladder delay more than a month IF it was a priority and if the release wasn’t just a beta verison

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Maybe not the race but the fresh economy is fun for me and MANY others. Your viewpoint isn’t the only one. A lot of people got this game because of ladder and nothing less and nothing more

The more important question right now is “how to fix this”, not “why didn’t they do it right at the beginning?”

No one is giving them a pass for messing up, but bashing them for that mistake does not change anything, as I said, no one can go back in time to “prefix” everything in the past, so it is no pointing bragging on that at this stage.

You don’t get it. People are giving them a pass. They have everyone’s money without any loss or accountability. That’s the pass. I don’t work for them. It isn’t my job to be gracious and be like “ok you lied to me and have done a terrible job, but what can we do to make this a happy game now?”

This is either the most incompetent company or intentional malice and I’m leaning towards the latter. If they still don’t have the ability to click a button now to turn on the ladder (which I realize they need time to announce, I just mean the ability to) then this hasn’t been even close to a priority. This is a 20 year old game. The ladder system was already there for them.

something complete? i havent touched this game in a month and a half. go ahead. take your time. complete it.