4 and a half months later, still no ladder

not really many people called this when they said they were going to use the old server code on the new servers but it brought in a bunch of purists to pay for the game.

that said it’s not that bad seeing as launch was a fresh start the first ladder just has to show up before march 17th it will be the shortest time between a reset in the history of diablo 2 as far as i know.

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there really is no race.
Bots will win

obviously but who’s bot is the real question duh.

4 and a half months later, 95% of the player base dropped off and found something better to do with their lives… like not waste it trying to win at a slot machine that never pays out.

Ladder is gonna be a failure any way so I wouldn’t get my hopes up for it… same 2000 people playing it now gonna be on there all buying gear with horded FG.

but cannot see who’s bot wins because if they would make it public they could get banned (could, probably not would)

sure you can just look at the account name on the leaderboard, it’s not like anyone in the first few dozen slots won’t be using a bot

you don’t win the big price to get the big price.
I had enigma on my account before I ever found a high rune.

winning small prices happening often enough in D2R. If high runes would drop everywhere, you would be bored very quickly.

How does that even make any sense? So you bought an enigma with FG and then found a HR? Congrats I guess… :confused:
Point I’m trying to make is, you can’t find anything in this game without cheating and using D2jsp… sorry, no time for that, I’m here to play a game, not play online 3rd party barter forum trade game.

I was never registered to d2jsp and neither did I buy my gear for any gold.

you can trade your way up to what you want with smaller stuff that you find. E.g. trading a shako for vex at the start.

I found my first and only tal armor when it was worth only an ist rune and I found my only high rune (jah) when I was already geared quite well.

if you rely on selffound drops, yes the drop chance is terrible. Luckily we have trading in this game.
If you want to play selffound, well don’t play online because SP has other advantages that counter the garbage drop rate (static maps, /p8 etc.)

and this is wrong.
I don’t have a lot of time to play but found a jah, ohm, 2 gul, shako, tal amu, tal armor, arach, 39 life fire skiller.
Yes that is basically all that I found but my gear is worth about 8-10 ber runes now :slight_smile: having infinity, enigma, faith, fortitude and the standard unique garbage.

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Something CONCRETE, not complete.

ya but it won’t be. even LoD ladders weren’t dead… so… d2:r’s will be super busy.

actually, even on LoD the manual player wins the race…

Yes, they were. By every modern definition, D2 has not been an active game since before 2010.

wtf is modern definition ??? i had like 3 different groups of people i could play with, full games 24/7. didn’t seem “dead” to me. at all. very active. lots of stuff going on. maybe it’s not popular AF like LoL or CoD or something, but there’s people playing, it’s active, it’s not dead.

take your 2020 definition of dead and toss it, it isn’t factual.

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Let me google that for you.

In general terms, a video game is considered “dead” when it’s no longer played by the general public. This is especially true in MMORPG games, where active player participation is the lifeblood of the game itself. If you don’t have anyone playing, there’s nothing to play, even if you wanted to.

So, in D2 and D2Rs case; even though you had a group of friends to play with, the general population of players was small. I’m sure the number will vary based on whom you ask, but I think the general consensus is that anything under 100k is dead.

ah yes, so there’s people still playing, so it’s no dead. got it. :slight_smile:

thanks for clearing that up for yourself. your own definition proves my point.

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You’re the equivalent of the kid putting their fingers in their ears singing “la la la I can’t hear you.”

no that’s you, with thinking the game is dead. when there’s clearly tons of people still playing it. lol. grow up.

You’re the one trying to buck trends and common definitions. Do you understand why there is such a phrase as dead game? Its to explain things, and rationalize why companies make decisions. The fact that D2R is dead means something. Keep burying your head in the sand, and minding your own business if you wish.

and do you understand just because some kid says something is dead game doesn’t mean it’s true? good lord…

people have cried this or that, dead game, time and time again, and you know what, people still play those games. you know nothing.