May 2020 - Diablo II Server Issues/CD Key in Use/Failure to Connect

I’m pretty sure that this is the case.

As far as dealing with it, you’ll just have to wait until the restriction expires. As far as determining the duration, that depends on the cause:

Shorter restrictions of up to 72 hours can be caused by a number of things including:

  • Logging in and out of too many times in a short period of time.
  • Switching between accounts or characters too quickly.
  • Creating games too quickly.
  • Switching skills too fast by using the mouse wheel.
  • Casting zero-delay skills like Frozen Armor, Glacial Spike and various Necromancer curses repeatedly.

Longer restrictions of up to two weeks are primarily for two reasons:

  • Playing on while you have an active VPN.
  • Playing on while connected to a business class ISP.

Here’s an official listing of reasons for a restriction:

I have not violated any of these things and this is happening to me AGAIN…

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happening to everyone bud… the servers are messed up

Blizzard … comon ! Fix it.

Yesterday cd key used by myself from late PM to this morning. I successfully just logged in again.
I just made 1 game on my sorc. Teleported a few times and killed a monster; BOOM disconnected again. Loggin, your cd key is being used by yourself. LOL

They never removed it, even blizzard north. They are to blame for their messy code

Well I keep being kicked off server and now my key is in use again.

Hey all,

We know that this issue is currently highly impactful, and appreciate all the reports and everybody being patient through this. We’ve identified some things that require back end work to resolve which is why this is taking so long.

I’ll provide more updates as we can. This is our top priority for our Classic team right now, but we don’t currently have an ETA for a fix. For now, please continue following these instructions if you get the “CD Key in Use” error when trying to log in, and note that the USEast server is currently having more issues than others. Your best bet is to play on a different server for now if USEast is your normal server.

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Hi Andy, you are the man!!

Why does logging in restart the cd key in use timer? Doesn’t that seem counter productive?

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I see USEast realm went down for maintenance, is USWest also down for maintenance too?

So what’s up? Are all realms down now?

cant connect to bnet from uk here

can’t connect to Europe, uswest, useast but I can play Asia. I have a very long queue (7000).

any idea why my account is saying “cannot connect to” on any server (east, west, asia, europe) I know people have been having issues but is this just related to the general server issues most people i see have specifically only been having issues on U.S east? please help

Why is East always screwed up lately. Any reason why??

Just merge all the realms and let d2 live on

i keep getting “unable to connect. unable to connect to battlenet”

Same thing is happening to me since last night.

I cant connect to USWest, USEast, or Europe, but Asia loads right in. The other three just say “unable to connect unable to connect to”