I was playing Diablo when i suddenly got disconnected from the server and couldn’t log in again, it got stuck on “Checking versions” every time. Then, after waiting a while, i got the message “Battle.net is not responding. Please try connecting again in a few minutes”. I started researching and it seemed i got myself temporarily restricted for switching characters too fast (?). Anyway, the blizzard support site says that one way to get around this is by changing your ip, so i tried all sorts of things and ended up getting this message: “You were disconnected from Battlenet. Please reconnect.”. From what i read, it seems that i got myself banned for 2-3 weeks from following said instruction, which i find somewhat unfair to be honest.
Now i’m back to the “Battle.net is not responding. Please try connecting again in a few minutes” message, which hopefully means i’m not banned and i’ll be able to play sooner, because i have characters that will expire and that are holding lots of valuable items (like high runes and stuff).
Can anyone help me with this? Hopefully a dev can tell me if i’m banned or not and if this is just my ip blocked (therefore being able to connect from some other house for instance) or if no matter where i go, i’ll be banned.
By the way, i asked a friend of mine to log in for me, so i know my account is good.