Diablo 1 Multiplayer not working

This makes sense but Blizzard is now selling this directly. They should only sell it if they can get battle.net working functionally.

I own it through GOG but un-installed when i couldn’t ever get multiplayer going.

I figured if I bought it through Blizzard they would have some support and ability to join multiplayer games with a functional battle net.

Hopefully they get to it soon…Otherwise it was a waste to buy it for the 3rd time and was quite misleading by them to post an article that you could play multiplayer through battle net.

EDIT: no - im not able to jump through tech hoops to try and fix it. It’s blizzards responsibility now that they sell the game.

I agree. But it is working. (See below).

I have it through GoG too. Using the instructions given by GoG (which leads to a Blizzard support article) I was able to play multiplayer with no issues as recent as yesterday. People just need to follow the instructions that GoG puts on the game’s webpage.

They do. They’ve published articles on issues they forsaw. Anything else may take time.

That’s problem with trusting anyone you come across on the internet. For example:

chaylis, STOP this misinformation. Your team is wrong.

I can get into connect to Battlenet just fine, like many others:

The Bliz version and the GoG version both connect to the same Battlenet. It always has.

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yeah, i agree with everything you sad. i just bought the game directly from blizzard, i want the multiplayer, just by clicking in the option to play it. PLEASE BLIZZARD, fix it !!!

So, blizzard is working on it ? The game is selling again in the official battle.net from blizzard, and we can’t get in the multiplayer by the battle.net server option. Do we have a solution ?

Unfortunately, I don’t know. Seeing that the update loop is preventing a whole game mode from working for a handful of players, I hope so.

Thanks Leviathan for offering some info here. I don’t have much additional info to provide, I just wanted to confirm that the team is aware and looking into these reports of looping.

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Nice. Thanks for an official update.

Please keep us further posted

Yes, thanks! I’m correcting it now, everywhere I posted it!! <3
-Once again the typo’s got me xD

Thanks for an official update.

Though the problem was solved for myself, by setting up ports and DHCP properly.

I hope it’s possible to make it easier accessible, but keep security in order.

The game is still crashing even in the oppening. The multiplayer loop is still there, when we just can open the game, the single player runs well, but the battle.net option is still in loop. Tried do update the instalation of the game several times, but it’s still crashing. Please try to correct it !!!

Guys, I bought Diablo 1 on Blizzard and GOG, bought WC 2 on Blizzard and GOG.
I cant cannect to Bnet on any of them! Can anyone help me? Pleaseeee!

There have been a few posts regarding this issue, and thanks to Leviathan I was able to piece together a fix.

It appears that the Battle.net install of D1 does not include the newer ‘Global’ Battle.net gateway. Instead, it installs with the older 4 regions. To fix the issue, open your Registry Editor and find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Battle.net\D1\Configuration. Right click on the item labeled ‘Battle.net gateways’ and click modify. Below the very last item, paste the following three lines:


Open the game and select Multiplayer. Before you try to join Battle.net, click ‘Change Gateway’ and select the new ‘Global’ gateway. Then, you should successfully be able to login to Battle.net.

Yes, I can confirm that making that registry change, I’m now on Battle.net. Thanks to everyone. Seems to be working.

Yup, it works. But nobody’s there! Diablo Retail En-1

Your Internet connection is either poor or is not processing UDP packets through port 6112. You will be able to chat but will not be able to play games. Contact your Internet service provider or your system administrator for assistance with opening this port .

Getting this.

Did you do the required port forwarding?

There’s not going to be a lot of people on the old Battlenet. Maybe it will pick up some with this new surge of the classic games, but even then it won’t be that many. Today, I was in a lobby with one person I knew and three randoms. That’s more than I’ve seen in a looong time.

I did all of that with the registry and am still stuck in a boot loop. Asking me to update, it updates then I log back on and asks me to update again.

I have the original copy of this game, and there was nothing that seems to be changed from this new release. The same compatibility issues, cant run on high resolution or it crashes. multiple monitors it crashes, battle net not working. Really upset with how much time i’ve wasted trying to get this game to work. Also trying to deal with Blizzard support is a joke, cant get a refund, bigger waste of time even trying. Another F. DO NOT BUY

Agreed, this game should have come to sale until it was ready. wasted over an hour trying to get this running, and cant get a refund either.
Such good work done with Diablo 2, then they put out this trash that doesnt even work.

I can’t get past the blizzard north screen before it crashes

I myself cannot connect to multiplayer to play with friends.
Several of us purchased the game intending to play together.

It tells me to update, then saids it is not needed on a loop.
I am going to have to refund this game untill this issue is fixed.

It is very bad to sell a game on this scale and have it not work for a big percentage of the player base.

Hope everyone is having better luck than we are.

Update! Registry addition and unlocking ports 6221 is required to Login and play games on bnet.