Boot loop fix? anyway around this?

Here’s what they posted after a few days if trying different things.

I already stated that I have lan reserved IP address. This is basic 101 networking. This has all been done and is 100% correct on my end. Also I have rebooted my router, pc and cable modem. Nothing is in the way.


Something else to watch out for is the small Window that pops up when an application is trying to connect to the internet for the first time. The one that has check boxes for Private and Public connections. It can often pop up behind other windows.

When I was first launching WC2, it wouldn’t connect until I selected and confirmed the setting.


The box has already been allowed. I have already confgured the windows firewall to allow full access to the .exe and also the port range.

Yes, I get it, jarablue.

Everything you have done, I have done. And like PieceofPanic, it’s working for me, so it’s not a universal issue. Something about some people’s system environments is conflicting.

Thus, in this case, you may have to wait to see what comes of it.

Lev: Did you cancel out the update message? Or did you ever see it at all? (You mentioned you didn’t need to update the game.)

Never saw it. Nothing that referred to an update appeared (for either WC2 or D1).

I only saw the port error window, which is expected, before I forwarded the ports.

That means your system is configured in a way that many others’ are not.

I didn’t ever get a port error message. Only the update. I didn’t have the ports configured on first launch either. Even after doing the ports, I still get the update and it just loops.

Agreed. There’s something about some people’s system environments that is conflicting with the multiplayer mode of the game(s).

It’s possible that you don’t see the port error because you’re not making it that far in the process. The update is likely before the port check step.

EDIT: I re-read what you wrote above. You didn’t have the ports configured first either, but still didn’t see an update message.

Even after doing the ports, I still get the update loop. So, the information never gets past that update message to run the game.

BTW, it says everytime, that it updated successfully.

I launched first, got the ports error, closed, then forwarded the ports, then launched again. It didn’t result in an update loop.

The thing that’s strange is that there shouldn’t be any update. The copy that is downloaded via the launcher is the current version.

Right. I made an edit to my above message to correct that.

Again, your system is configured in a unique way somehow. A lot of folks are getting that update box first and getting caught in that loop .

In-game Diablo 1 message box says:

“There is a new version of software available. requires that you use the latest version. Your software will be updated now.”


On Windows desktop a MSGbox:

Blizzard Updater v. 2.24
“This program is used to upgrade programs through and does not need to be run.”

Yeah, that last message is generated by a file called “BNUpdate.exe”. I suspect that it’s obsolete now that the launcher is used to keep games up to date.

Sorry if this is dumb question: Are you using the version that downloads through the modern launcher (the BDA)? Or a previous, old install that downloaded through the old standalone installer?

I just bought it earlier this morning on the app and it downloaded from there after clicking INSTALL.

It’s version 1.09.2 as listed on the Bnet app. In-game it just says v.1.09.

It’s not blocked by Firewall. I checked that already. The single player didn’t work, but I used the Scan & Fix OPTION in the app and it said it fixed it. Now I can play single.

Selecting MP…there’s two in-game msgBox pop-ups. The first one says…

Checking for fastest server…

But, there’s a bunch of random letters all over it and it’s up for about .5 seconds and then…

The next msgBox is huge, almost half the game screen size and says it needs to update. When I click OK, it says it updated successfully and the game will now restart. That’s when it appears to run bnUpdate.exe and crashes out (unless it was already running, I don’t know when that launches.)

If I click to CANCEL the update, it just goes back to the MP game selection screen and the process just repeats.

Okay thanks. As long as it’s the version from the launcher, then it’s a legit problem that Bliz will need to resolve.

Bliz just posted this:

ill probably wont check by the reply cause u see im a lazy stoner but … u never know… i just saw tech support in green next to ur name ;+p

so what the (fournication under conscent of the king) is up with the validation glitch … it goes on and on and on and on like 4 fn times to juat retype password and validation gimic then the freaking window says all good with the darn thng is so long in height and thin/widness i cant reach loggin icon so close the )fournication under conscent of the king) window and restart the gimic over n over… then i must i must live a a good live … when im about to crack my crack pipe the (fournication under conscent of the king) thing manage to log in … wooptyfakin doo … seriousy peeps anoying as helll…
pardon my french … I AM FRENCH canandian and not sorry like the R.O.C. (rest of englos in canada)
cheers m8 sry for this rant had to git it off …
thx for the hard work making my day alot funner and being abke to socialise with newzealanders and aussies across the globe

<—^^:) BabaYagA : tavern battle and starbattle

Short version: You need to edit your register database to add the GOG (Global) bnet server to be able to login.

Hey all,


Here a detailed set of instructions on what to do:

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