Being Constantly disconnected

Still down. Doesn’t seem to be any updates on Twitter for hours.

I just had an update , rebooted my pc but still can’t log in grrrrr

8 hours later and still not even a words from the incompetent morons…how does a fail company with idiots like this stay in business?


were paying money for this shiit?

Hey folks, I posted a temporary fix for this here:

problem still happening here, since last night. Maybe the rolling restarts fix it?

HOLY CRAP some genius on the net FIXED this for me. 2 different pcs, one couldn’t log in the other could. So after reading reddit I copied the cache folder from the working pc to this one…I LOGGED IN OMG OMG OMG ty reddit genius, screw you fail devs at blizz…MORONS

This fix actually worked. A friend of mine had a “working cache” and shared with me, and now I can log in

I can share the folder link if anyone wants, but it needs to be via Battle.NET PM, since I cant post links here

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i would like the link please! thank you

can confirm this does work

I added u on BNet, I need to PM you there to send the link


Can you send me to me please?

Anyone who wants the link add me on BNet JackChurchil#1128

bro add me to download your cache please

i´ve already sent you.

same link please…

The temp fix to replace corrupted Cache files has been floating through Tech Support for a while now. Someone put up a link to a dropbox folder so folks can grab the file.

Also consider doing so an at your own risk thing. If you have another PC in the house with a good cache, or a backup copy of the game, you can use the cache file from there instead.

Link to a post about the Cache instructions and drobox link.

Has Bliz ever taken this long to fix a Log in/Server issue before?

same here…
anyone knows when this problem will be fixed ?

except it is morning and trying again ain’t helping…

this is not appealing for a returning player that just wants to experience the new content…

too bad I was suckered into buying 6 months of game time…don’t even have that leverage