[Dec 8th] You've been disconnected from the server

Agreed thumbs up

Tried off and on between 8pm last night to now 7:20am :frowning: I feel like an idiot spending all my free time gathering herbs/ore all of last week thinking I’d quickly sell everything on Tuesday as soon as maintenance was done. Instead I spent an entire day doing nothing but sit at my computer waiting to hop in lol. I even played Hearthstone which I hadn’t done in 3 years

Well the game is scheduled to go down from 10am-11am EST so I’m assuming we’ll all get to play after that

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they just had a download that was 1.58 GB and im still having the same issues, can’t log in. GGs Blizz

I’ll be ‘working on’ my payment that runs out before Christmas.

What did you do

just remember, its not guaranteed to work. if it doesn’t, there’s nothing you can do, but wait for Blizzard to fix the issue in question.


thank you kind sir

Can confirm this DID work. I didn’t use the cache folder from the youtube video, but rather used the cache folder from my backup copy saved on Google Drive. Thank you!

Hi I am from Wi I am also having the same issue since last night!

This is absurd. It’s the same thing happening since launch day! Literally someone sitting in the same room as me is logging on fine, the servers lagging out though but they can log in. It’s clearly not a “path” issue…

So two days in a row we had MASSIVE down time due to “scheduled maintenance”. Fine whatever, they need to do what they need to do. Now I go to log in on my day off thinking “OK boys gonna get some Shadowlands stuff done, haven’t unlocked Soulbind/Conduits yet for my 60 so it’ll be a GREAT day”. Only to get auto disconnected every time I try to log in. You are absolute GENIUSES over there ActiBlizz, great job!!! You make PILES of money and you can’t keep a game steady that you’ve been working on for 16 years. Absolute GARBAGE.


i love this

This worked!! Thank you!

Exactly how I feel dude.

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considering its nearly 5 in the morning on the west coast, i wouldn’t expect anything for at least another 4-5 hours…maybe after rolling restarts, and if the problem persists, perhaps Blizz will work towards getting it fixed?

the issue being, is that its not affecting ALL the players, and some have found a “band-aid” fix for the problem…the rest are just plain unable to play…which sucks, but there’s nothing you, myself, or anyone can do about it, until it gets fixed.

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Worked! Thank you .

11 hours since the last CS reply…still getting instant dc from logging in.
I am not really hardcore, at least i just want to level up one level. :frowning:

Same issue here…

you’ll want to thank Shållå for that one. i just responded to another poster about his/her fix.

i just want to play my Rogue a bit, but i’m now considering just giving up on it. 3 hours of trying multiple different band aid fixes, deleting folders and restarting things, and i’m still DC’d just seconds after logging in? yeah…this is a lost cause for me.

Having same problem here now the third day in a row that cant log in… don’t know why I’m paying for WoW at this point if I cant play it. I feel like there should be some compensation in the form of free game time or something like that for this inconvenience.

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