Zirene confirms that Arms warrior doesn't exist in SoD

Rogue has 3 S tier PVE dps specs and is S tier at PVP. Rogue was amazing in vanilla 2019 as well and it still gets the super fluff treatment in SoD lol. Its just dev bias, plain and simple. They COULD absolutely make arms a useful spec for open world, dungeons, and PVP while also being around where Ret is in raid but they just choose not to. Too busy adding melee hunters to the game and making sure that rogue is #1 no matter what talent tree they pick.

this post has nothing to do with rogues tho. it has absolutely everything to do with arms warriors being sad that their spec isnt S tier in pve. just go play fury. literally no valid argument why arms should be as strong as fury other than “zug dur dur big shiney 2h hurr durr” thats literally why i was comparing Sub rogue pvp to arms saying how imagine sub rogues complaining that their spec isnt as good as saber or mut in pve. but that legit went so far over your damn head lol its crazy has nothing to do with “rogue vs warrior”

like bruh just play fury. youre acting like warrior doesn’t have an S tier pve spec. and since you wanna bring rogue into this, if theyre so broken… how about rerolling and playing it LOL problem solved

now if fury war wasn’t so strong (actual #1 dps) then ya, bring arms up or something. and b4 u even try and argue “uhh rog got 2 S tier specs” no tf it doesn’t. if u were educated on the matter, SS + mutilate are the exact same build and play style, the only difference is weapon choices and 1 “build” has to maintain or cast rupture 1-2 times every fight

2h enhance still has 1 melee attack, on my lord this year in 2024 if warriors get bladestorm I’ll rip my arms off.

learn to read. It has to do with it doing less damage that almost all the tanks and being last place DPS by a large margin. The post requests being at Ret level DPS. :clown_face:

and so does sub rogue, frost mage etc etc. how about you address your argument first which is “why cant pvp specs be s tier in raid like my other classes pve s tier spec?”

now stop being a clown or you can continue to cry like a baby brat and suck at the game lol

Arms is bad literally everywhere. It’s awful in PvP, open world, and in raids. And isn’t being supported. Meanwhile you have entire builds being created off runes but they can’t buff an already existing build with runes to make it atleast functional somewhere.


again, you struggle with reading comprehension

the request is for Arms to not be “no longer maintained” as a spec lmao. It should do at least Ret level DPS in raid, as Ret has way more utility, survivability, and damage outside of raid due to how magic damage and such works. No where is that requesting it to be an S tier spec. How about a spec AT ALL? Can we start there? Its basically the one spec in the game that got basically nothing and no work all of SoD. Nothing with its talent tree or playstyle have been worked on at all. Fury is the only dps spec for warrior, meanwhile rogue gets all 3 talent trees to be S tier in PVE and some in PVP as well.

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Uh I think you’re a bit out of touch with what rival even means.

1800 on the right season and the right spec is like, 1400. (40%?)

1800 on a different season, you’re like in the top 10%

Points being 1800 means completely different things depending on the season, when you played that season, and what spec you are playing lol.

Just an example, glads reroll all the time and play below 2k but are 2800 xp.
Another example, you’re a 1500 player but got matched with a 2800 xp player on a reroll. You’re now 2k rated and probably didn’t deserve it.

There’s so many variables and saying your “im a rival, and im bad” pretty much means nothing but you’ve scratched the surface. Rival is only good when participation is so low (think shadowlands s1) that 80% of the players below 2k were 2k+ xp rerollers.

Also another reason you’re take is wrong wrong wrong. 90% of wow players are multi-year players. We don’t get new guys. You ever played a competitive game thats several years old that gets zero new players? You’ll find the sweatiest matches ever.

Modern wow player is way better than 2005 players.

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should subtle rogue do viable raid dmg too? how come BM and MM aren’t s tier dps but surv is… how come disc p is s tier but holy isnt and holy p hasnt been s tier all 4 phases? how come holy p isnt bis in pvp? like dude come tf on use brain

if you want 100% balance and viability then sod and classic wow isn’t for you. TWW/retail even cata will better fit you and im not even trollin just being real w you.

you individually are more likely to enjoy retail or cata than for blizz to make every spec fair/viable s tier on sod or classic.

The “muh pvp spec” argument doesn’t work because Arms is just as trash in PvP as in PvE.


they keep trying to buff 2H fury, when all we want is a buff to arms. god damn it

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I only play war, my only arena seasons I played more than 100 games of were in tbc. I was 1800 playing war/sham in s2 and 3, and then in s4 was almost 2k in under 50 games of war/dru despite a combined less than 500 games in tbc, all in classic. (Also I started suffering from serious bouts of anxiety during queues related to irl stress so I ended up quitting all my competitive games.)

Also funny you mention S1 Slands, I hit 1600 the literal first night of the season with a random mw off-comms and then chose to not play Slands arena anymore… until one of my idiot friends bought Slands for me on my EU account and I hit 1600 there playing arms/ret. Stopped at 1600 there too after our win to break 1600 came against fire mage/boomie where I reflected a Full Moon essentially by accident (thought I was reflecting poly, boomie convokes out of stealth and eats it) and he deleted himself. What an awful season lmao.

More on topic though, Rival generally isn’t exactly an impressive title. Duelist is where most of the people who actually understand what’s happening in an arena match tend to end up. I just hit buttons and then complain that I spent 90% of a 45 minute game sitting in roots because I’m a warrior.

(Edit before someone comes in swinging, none of this is me flexing, just sharing my experiences, I do not think I am good at arena. I am pretty good at rbgs/prem vs prem bgs tho)

Why do idiots keep saying “herf derf PvP spec shouldn’t be S tier PvE DPS” in SOD as if they’re saying something profound or insightful? A fully raid buffed BIS ARMS warrior should be doing MINIMUM around 3k DPS single target(the #1 ARMS warrior in the world can’t even reach 2.9k single target). That’s not close to S tier and still nowhere near DW Fury. And the fact that ARMS is pretty mid in PvP right now doesn’t help this ridiculous outdated Era argument either.

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The funny thing is that all he needs to do is design a rune that gives you 30% attack speed, or +30% damage for 6 seconds after you use mortal strike, and add “doubles the effect of your chosen weapon specialization in the arms tree” to Frenzied Assault. Boom, Arms is viable. Did your job for you Zirene.

Holy sh**, now you can play either arms or fury.

They gave glad flurry as part of the t2 set bonus to bring it up to par with fury, his reasoning is complete and utter bullsh**. He knows he can balance arms to be decent, but he just doesn’t want to take PvE dps away from Fury. Even though this is SoD and we’re supposed to be getting new and interesting things for specs. The guy loves the idea of glad, even though 95% of the warrior playerbase hates sword and board/glad, and refuses to play it even when it’s good. Just take the hint bro, nobody likes glad, they want Arms and Fury to be good, and prot to be for TANKING.

Stance dancing is FUN. It’s INTERESTING, and it’s one of the key components to the class that players ENJOY. Stop trying to pidgeonhole us into this weird build where you use a shield for no reason while you DPS, and you never swap stances. It’s for noobs and it’s BORING.


Beast Mastery if pointless for PvE and PvP.

thats what is going completely over your head. sub rogs and frost mages also do horrible pve dps and guess what… who tf cares bruh grow some balls and b a man. NOW if fury didnt do insane dps then ya complain your asz off. breathe thru ur nose now, it helps brain fog

You should probably take your own advice because looking at the logs frost and sub are middle of the pack and waaaay ahead of Arms. You have no argument here at all you’re just stuck in that classic andy purist mindset.

exactly. all 3 specs shouldnt do any dps and thats ok

and tbh i prefer cata and retail >>>

and im an arena only player whos been top 5 mdi in m+ w multiple CE’s in past so idaf about pve anymore lol

You just said in your previous post that Frost and Sub do horrible PvE DPS(as a justification for Arms remaining terrible because something-something PvP) and when I point to logs saying otherwise(especially in H3) you then say “exactly none should do good dps.”

Lol what a clown.

Also Lol at whatever the rest of that post is.

yep sub and arms shouldnt b s tier dps in classic pve get over it. its not happening

i win, u lose. simple

side note, i really hope youre not tht infamous gresh rogue that paid $5k for glad in tbcc, if youre not then disregard lol