So, we get melee hunters, tank rogues, healing mages, etc… but a baseline spec for one of the classes is essentially removed from the game?
5 hours ago on twitter Zirene says, quote “Elemental was the lowest viable DPS class and got buffed to be in low 4k”. Elemental DPS is NOT the lowest DPS in the game. Arms is the lowest, and by a large margin. So much so that Arms would need a 50% overall increase to catch a Retribution Paladin on a 90th percentile Golemagg fight. Ele is the seconds worst dps spec, far above arms warrior. Arms is far below Melee hunter. So already Zirene here is confirming that Arms just isnt a spec. It actually doesnt exist. Its so far down at the bottom that its ignored and Elemental shaman, the 2nd to last, is actually the last. But Elemental, 1h Enhance, and 2h Enhance are all specs worthy of attention…
Then, more recently, Zirene says, regarding buffs to Arms, quote “Unfortunately no. It would take quite a bit to make up the lack of Death Wish and Flurry for a Mortal Strike build on top of the other issues it has. So 2h is likely to stick to Fury for PvP and Arms for PvP.”. Basically, no buffs for Arms. The problem, is Arms isn’t good at PVP either. Ret paladins, that do 50% more raid dmg, are way better at PVP. So is boomkin, shadow priest, rogue pve specs, hunter, etc. Its impossible for a class to be good at PVP when it does no damage. A boomkin has passive 54% armor. Arms does half the DPS of a boomkin on a 0 armor target raid boss dummy on PTR with world buffs… so how much damage do you think it can do in a trade with a boomkin? Around 1/4th, if not less.
There are not “PVP specs” in WoW. There are PVP and PVE talents. I.e. Fire mage is S++ at PVE in WotLK and also a popular Gladiator spec. The talents taken are slightly different. I.e. Fury in vanilla has improved intercept (PVP) and Arms has Impale (PVE). Frost and Sub rogues are both raid viable in SoD. Arms is not. Arms is also not PVP viable. Arms will lose to a PVE spec layout of any other class in the game.
Its kind of wild that one of the primary specs of a class is completely disregarded meanwhile all sorts of new things like melee hunter and healing mage are maintained. If we can give paladins and druids insane runes that make them pump tons of dps, especially in the open world, its 100% possible to help Arms catch up. The gap right now is massive. Arms is behind most of the tanks even. Its so bad that calling it obsolete for all game activities is not hyperbole.