And next phase the tier set we’re going to be using is being nerfed by 5% and our bis main hand is also being nerfed on its proc rate
Yeah they seem to forget they were crying pre phase 4, while they were top dps P3. They are once again ontop.
Fury t2 4pc was just changed to be heroic strike instead of whirlwind.
Whatever that means for it.
I think that buffed 2h more than dual wield. Since it makes Quick Strike actually a viable option for 2h fury. Still waiting on the conclusion on that. 2h fury is actually within 100-200 dps of dual wield atm on sims. So that’s cool.
Big 2h funner than 1h ofc
i wont complain about both our specs being competitive with eachother.
But arms warrior is really a 2h pvp warrior, there is a 2h pve warrior it takes fury talents. You don’t even really take the same talents for a lot of the is ret a pvp spec argument made. You don’t ever take eye for an eye in pve, you won’t subspec into burst for reckoning, you won’t subspec into anything that buffs healing or reduces healing mana cost like for other specs.
The argument is invalid.
Just be glad you can play a 2 hand spec with more than 1 melee attack and not watch a swing timer all night wanting to rip your fricken eyes out.
I love watching era players have 9 swing timers for 0 reason lmao.
Rogue has 3 viable talent trees for raid (all better than fury warrior on sims for next phase lol) and are a top tier PVP class.
For warrior, Arms is literally dropped by the devs in a statement saying they dont support that talent tree, and its F- tier at everything, including PVP, where it will be far worse than any other classes PVE spec. Fury is C to A tier based on your raid’s kill times (for deathwish and rampage uptime) and only under world buffed conditions.
Theyre spending more time making melee hunter playable than making Arms playable at anything. You cite “PVP” spec in a game that does NOT have PVP specs, it has PVE and PVE talents. Also Sub and Frost are both doing way more damage in raid.
The underlying issue is Arms does no damage, dies easily, and has low utility. Mortal strike does less damage than a wrath or starsurge even on a naked armorless target. That is a huge problem. They even admit it would “take too much work to make it viable” so they just dropped the spec. Warrior has 2 talent trees. Some other classes get a quasi-4 because of new rune playstyles provided.
What is really infuriating is the amount of time and effort dumped into gladiator. They are even doubling down on it with a pve gadiator dps set in ZG that no one will use. If they put even a fraction of that time into arms, they could have made it at least good for pvp.
Don the shield
I never played past OG Wrath but I’ve seen multiple people say they should’ve just used some of Cataclysm’s ARMs tree as inspiration for SOD and lol oh boy they weren’t kidding. If they replaced Blood Frenzy and Quick Strike with Lambs to the Slaughter and Wrecking Crew… I mean problem solved? Its not like the damage % increases would need to be the same.
But if they don’t want to consider Arms at all for PvE then they should at least give it Bladestorm. Warrior is like the only class in SOD that didn’t get a really flashy new ability to press…all of our runes are either passive or upgrades to existing abilities like Slam, Rend, and Overpower. Give me Bladestorm for some PvP fun and all would be forgiven. I mean this wouldn’t be too strong right? A Boomkin took 60% of my health at 30 yards in 2 globals at LHC the other day.
Thats it? haha. I have 8/8 t1 and bonereavers and hunters, boomkins, and even to a degree spriests can basically 2 shot me. Like starsurge stun, crits, starfire in 1.5 sec = dead. trap/aimed + chimera = dead. apply SW:P, stun, apply another dot, SW:D, walk away = dead.
Actual fixes.
Increase Mortal Strike damage to 200%+. It should compete with Chimera shot damage. Same CD, has an actual resource req unlike chimera, and cant be reset as easily or often as chimera. Probably will need over 200% to make it viable.
A fast and easy way to apply 5x sunders. Spriest and Rogue shouldnt be able to to this so much easier and one of the main reasons warriors do less than 1/4th the dmg of most classes outside of raid. A heroic throw type ability with a CD similar to Shadow Word: Death that does weapon damage and applies 5x sunders. OR something similar to colossus smash thematically but relates to sunders. Ideally the heroic throw variant though. (glove rune? spell book? figure it out).
Quickstrike with a 2h needs to be a rage dump off GCD, similar to how fireblast can be cast off GCD (even while casting!). In Cata, its off GCD as a rage dump and effective. Would need to add a cooldown to it or a 2h limit to restrict Gladiator from dumping too heavily with it as their rage gen is nuts.
Overpower should have a 1 sec GCD like Taste for Blood gameplay has in post-vanilla versions of the game.
To help close that 50% dps boost a warrior needs to catch Ret paladin on a 90th percentile golemagg, having your special attacks like MS or OP apply a bleed based on weapon damage under certain conditions. I.e. overpower applies a brittle bone type effect that mortal strike consumes to add a bleed over 6 sec based on weapon damage. Also could instead make this happen during sweeping strikes so it can have a single target boost as well and still use the cooldown.
Look at Execute. It doesnt scale. A 100 rage execute in green gear does the same damage as full naxx gear. Maybe with sudden death, change the way execute works so that base damage is based on your weapon damage and the rage dump is based on a % of weapon damage (like instead of 600 + 15 per rage, be 100% weapon damage + 2% weapon damage per rage or something similar) so that sudden death gameplay actually scales. Could also leave execute scaling nonexistant and as-is to move more scaling into their normal rotation if that feels better (i.e. higher mortal strike, OP, rend/bleeds, etc).
Remember. Arms needs 50% TO CATCH RET PALADIN. In an environment that favors Ret. Even if Arms caught ret on a 90th golemagg, Arms would be worse DPS outside of raid than Ret. Whatever you think sounds like a lot, likely still leave Arms short. Its wildly behind.
stop complaining. fury war is #1 dps for the majority of all phases. literally calm down. imagine a thread of sub rogues complaining that sub rog dps isn’t a thing. big whoop. sod community truly amazes me every single day there is something new
Zirene is trash and partly to blame for the terrible class balance. Embarrassing that they can’t get Arms to a playable condition.
Looks like both are doing considerably better than arms. Frost even has nearly the same # of parses.
Why would Rogues complain that one of their specs is marginally behind the other? It’s technically doing better than Combat anyways…
Making up false scenarios to try and equate to this real one is dumb on your part and you should be ashamed for trying.
frost is kind of a weird spec on wcl because of the way “frost” is detected, its basically all fire mages with the winter’s chill talent, because balefire bolt is chimeric damage and frostfire bolt is a mixture of fire and frost, they are detected as frost despite doing all of their damage with fire spells and runes
I wouldn’t really consider a guy doing 99% of their damage with ignite, frostfire bolt, balefire bolt and pyroblast as a frost mage, most bread and butter frost talents like fingers of frost, deep freeze, frostbolt, ice lance etc are not used in most frost logs
Frostbolt and mortal strike have a lot in common, they are both cornerstones of a spec that completely suck in SoD
There is a set bonus in zg which increases frostbolt damage by 75% and its still not good, you just can’t cast spells in sod that don’t benefit from ignite or you will do no damage
Never seen a rogue prep in pvp either tbf. Just cs kidney + 8 backstabs. Who needs pvp talents
Based on Zirenes Twitter posts I’m fairly certain he is one of the biggest reasons that class design in SoD is so horrible
Like that guy seems just legitimately so bad at game design and especially when it comes to WoW specifically tbh