Zirene confirms that Arms warrior doesn't exist in SoD

there is a difference between being 5 or 10% behind and needing 40% overall to catch hybrids and 70% to actually catch the top lmao. Arms is below most of the tanks. They openly said they are no longer supporting the spec.

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This is a lie. But all every patchnote that has included warrior has been a nerf. :sweat_smile:

If anyone wants to go and count the nerfs on blue posts from p1-4 I honestly am guessing warrior has been nerfed many more times than hunters.

phase 5 sims show Ret, a hybrid, as top dps atm lol

aggrend plays ret, also made it a top spec in wotlk too despite it not needing any buffs. if youre buffing classes in a classic version of the game and your buffs made the 2 specs (feral and ret) the top 2 specs, you dun goofed.

Tbh I don’t really care about the whole ‘hybrid’ vs ‘purist’ thing, I think its stupid and reductive.

Just make the specs good. They don’t all have to be equally great or even necessarily close to it, just don’t have any more bad meme specs which Arms and Glad Stance currently are.

Yes, to a degree. All classes can be summed in in power by 1)damage 2)survivability 3) utility.

Tanks traditionally have a lot of 2 and 3, but little of 1, because having all 3 is overpowered. A lot of hybrids also have a lot of 2 and 3, but moreso 3 with a little more of 1 than tanks. The highest DPS usually have low 2 and 3, traditionally.

What has made some classes really broken in PVP is having tons of 1, 2, and 3. I.e. boomkins, spriests, hunters, rogues, ret paladins, shamans in prior phases, etc.

Warrior is very low on 2 and 3, but also 1 in SoD, hence why theyve been bad. Also when they do have 1, its only in a raid environment, and they still lose to druids, hunters, and rogues, which have a lot more of 1 outside of raid and also more of 2 and 3.

If they wanted to keep warriors low on damage but balanced, they’d need a lot more survivability and utility. You know, like a boomkin. But a warrior outside of raid only has a tiny fraction of a boomkins damage, utility, and survivability.

Vanilla wow was actually more balanced. The gap from top to bottom in raid was the SAME (ret to bis fury in vanilla is where arms is to rogue now, 70% gap) but vanilla had way better 5 man dungeon and open world balance. They just didnt account for world buffs which caused the raid skew. Vanilla outside of raid was infinitely more enjoyable when every spell casting 100% armor pen caster wasnt also a tank.