Zirene confirms that Arms warrior doesn't exist in SoD

He literally showed you max, 99th, 95th and 90th.

Warriors are top 3 in all of those.

Thats 10s of thousands, not 50 lmfao

Also 5th in 80th.

Is he really debating a point I literally explained? Weird how the closer warriors get to 100% reck/dw/rampage uptime the better their dps gets. Surely that isn’t possibly influenced by the output of the entire rest of the raid doing more and more damage as they get more and more gear, driving the kill times further and further down. I can’t wait till we’re doing the same dps next tier and only slowly “scale” as kill times drop. I’m calling it now. Mark your calendars.

Nharz hit 10k dps in naxx on sapph because they stacked the thaddius damage buff surely that’s representative of warrior.

Youre literally 5th in 80th and 75th.

Youre top 3 in Max,99th,95th and 90th.

Edit: Fury is actually 5th all the way to 60th percentile.

We are talking about arms not fury you smooth Brained broken records


We are RESPONDING to your mans talking about fury you smooth brain.

Same warrior crying about holy shockadins having dps, now asking for arms warrior to have dps.

Reap what you sow.

Spec a pve spec, arms is for pvp

arms isn’t even a pvp spec. it’s dead. literally confirmed not supported by devs.

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I noticed you missed my reply here it is again.

Youre literally 5th in 80th and 75th.

Youre top 3 in Max,99th,95th and 90th.

Edit: Fury is actually 5th all the way to 60th percentile.

time to quit it then

Sounds like he needs to go fury or don the shield as staytuned would say

If you link good arms warriors destroying in pvp hes just gonna say its not fair to link good players lmfao

You know what, I’ll explain it for you since you missed it in the other 10 times I’ve said it. Apparently.

The dps that warriors are doing right now, is not going to change next phase. We were getting 600 dps next phase BEFORE the t1 set nerf to 5%. 300 dps of that was zg buff. We’re still using that set bonus. There is no scaling. What’s going to happen is that warrior is going to “scale” next phase as the rest of their raids gear up and drive kill times down. It has nothing to do with what warrior does. I’ve explained what’s going to happen multiple times now. If you can’t understand why that is despite my explanation there’s no help for you.

So your argument is that you’re not going to scale based off sims?

Off an accurate sim. Yes. Rogue and warrior have probably the 2 most accurate sim.s

So the only way they will scale is if they have a better raid team?

At this point yes. We already rage cap constantly, so low benefit from generating more. I have awful gear and I have over 40% crit world buffed so flurry is near max uptime, no scaling there. The only way to scale is uptime on our cooldowns (short fights) or blizzard deciding we’re allowed to have good haste procs again. We’ll see if they do anything about it but I’m big doubt.

Well I mean you were all pretty wrong about current Fury…

I think a lot of people doomed about current fury because they reworked a ton of % damage increase runes, and then complaints about how awful t1 is to actually play with. I just leveled to 60 like a month ago so I have no idea about before then.

It was the same complaints that they wouldn’t scale.

They are currently doing great.

Yeah, I’m saying right now we won’t scale because there’s nothing to scale. We scaled in classic because we still had to manage rage until like actual naxx bis. We’re already at the stats I had in naxx. I have more rage to work with than I ever did in classic 2019. There’s no more value to gain except the same linear damage increases every other melee will get from better weapons/ap. If I’m wrong I’ll admit it but I really don’t think I am.

Well everybody was wrong this phase