LIke Throwinhands.
It is very bad if your dont have your r10 set for survival and your BRE for damage. Warrior excels at smashing noobs and fresh 60s. Its actually quite fun until one decent boomkin or spriest ruins it for me.
youre annoying… but still do no damage and still get blown up, but at least being able to stun someone and do a 3 sec silence before they 2 shot you is nice
- human wars are complaining arms is dead spec
- orc/dwarf/gnome wars are saying its fine
- pve players should stop hamstringing themselves picking pve races and taking them into pvp expecting to smash faces lol.
I would agree they need to make Arms viable in PVP. It should hurt when you get hit by MS, given a Warrior has to charge into danger just to use it.
With that said, Fury is fine for PVE given you can go 2H Fury or Dual Wield Fury. I get Zirene from the sense that it would take major surgery to get Arms to be a viable PVE spec given “Fury” builds get deep wounds/impale from Arms on top of Flurry and Bloodthirst from Fury.
All the people who don’t understand how the game works coming in to say warrior is fine. Starting to suspect they’re the blizzard devs who should be fixing the game but do nothing every week.
Let’s go over this again for everyone who is unaware. Fury is not going to scale anymore, we’re barely better than our peak in classic 2019 with nothing left TO scale outside of the same linear scaling literally everyone else is also getting.
Why is that? Because we’ve hit the breakpoint where there’s very little benefit in increasing our AP/Crit. Previously, hitting harder meant more rage. We already have near-infinite rage in spite of stance dancing every 8 seconds. It’s actually difficult to run out of rage right now.
Our major benefit from crit scaling was increased uptime on Flurry. That’s already at 85-90% with how much crit we have. We’re in the first phase and the only remaining scaling source for warrior will be additional haste sources. OR, warrior gets to “Scale” by cutting fight lengths down to 30 seconds or less to have very high uptime on major % damage dealt buffs.
All of that only applies to world buffed warriors with windfury/wild strikes.
In dungeons, you’re trash. In the open world, trash. In PvP, beating up people with no gear and no keybinds doesn’t mean the class is good. I bullied well over 40 different rogues in my last week of bgs to push to rank 10. That doesn’t mean warrior is good into rogue. It means they were awful rogues.
Stop arguing in bad faith. Stop defending this lazy approach to warrior’s because “warrior was too good in 2019”. None of you have a problem with rogue/mage being the defacto best pvp classes for the last 20 years. With insane control, damage, and synergy few other classes are even capable of having. In fact, every time mage/rogue comps aren’t dominating the ladder everyone does nothing but complain about whatever IS (for proof, TBC vs WotLK). Heck, lets be real for a second and admit the ONLY REASON fire mage didn’t dominate the top of WCL in 2019 Classic was because WCL went out of their way to split ignite damage across all fire mages in a raid.
But warriors were “too good” in extremely specific edge case scenarios of killing bosses in 30 seconds or less with full world buffs so now our class has to be barely touched and literally missing an entire spec because blizzard won’t support it. Being balanced around page 1 WCL numbers.
Y’all wanna defend warriors barely being touched in SoD where we have tank rogues, shamans, and locks. Melee hunters, all 3 paladin specs, balance and feral druid, shadow priest, enhance and ele sham. ANDDDDDD healing mage all receiving support. How much work did they put into ret paladin? And they can’t spend 30 seconds throwing colossus smash in and adding a haste proc onto MS with runes. How about one button 5 stack sunder. Rogues got sebacious and that even benefits from improved expose armor.
Its just giving up on the tree. Warrior has 2 talent trees, fury and prot. Arms isnt supported in SoD.
Its really not that hard. Aim to put Arms warrior around where Ret paladin is DPS wise. Ret has a massive toolkit and a lot more survivability by comparison so at a minimum it shouldnt also do 50% more dmg than Arms. In that environment it makes Arms obsolete.
MS should hit hard. Overpower should be a 1 sec CD with TfB. Quickstrike should be off GCD (like fire blast) with a short CD to dump rage with low DPR. Arms needs a way to either 5x sunder fast/instantly like rogue/priest can.
Generally, Arms should be as good or even better than fury in pvp, world questing, dungeons, etc, and fury should be better in raid due to raid and world buffs i.e. Arms has a higher baseline with harder hitting slower attacks but fury gets that AP scaling that goes well with fast attacking dual wielding to + deathwish and rampage scaling for optimal raid dps.
So you can play Arms for pvp, dungeons, etc, and then go fury for raid. Or if you really want to, stay Arms and do DPS around what the Hybrids are doing in raid.
The talent tree, however, shouldnt just be dropped from existence. Thats absurd.
Just tell us you want warrior S tier in pvp and PVE every phase and nothing else matters.
You can’t possibly be middle of the pack,that’s not good enough for you.
You need them to be the top spec in every aspect of the game.
Like rogue? lmao.
You can’t read. Players are asking for Arms dps to compete with Ret DPS. No one is even talking about Fury, which is not as good as feral or rogue, and in many cases even hunter.
Fury is a spec with low utility and low survivability. It can only do damage, and in most cases, it does very BAD damage outside of raid. So rogue has a way higher baseline than fury, but rogue also has a higher top end at 90th/95th percentile. Top 50 parses dont matter because of cheesing, WCL changed rules often to try and counter cheesers in TBC and WotlK. So, ultimately, if you have every buff in the game and record kill times on bosses enabling maximum uptime on Deathwish, and you still barely compete with other classes, thats not a great spot to be in. Its a B tier spec overall.
Arms, on the other hand, is what players are asking for help with. Its F- at everything. Worst DPS in the game. It needs 50% to catch ret and 70% to catch rogue (the same gap a ret and bis fury had in 2019 vanilla). But it also dies easily and has low utility. Sub rogue and frost mage are way better than it in raid and it has few of the perks those classes come with.
It would be nearly impossibly to make Arms as good as Spriest, Boomkin, or Hunter in PVP. Those classes 2 shot players from range. But at a minimum Arms should compete with Ret DPS. The class is obsolete right now. Devs on twitter even outright said it would need massive work to make it viable so instead theyre just opting to drop support for the spec. YIKES
Rogues, best at solo PvP and PVE, amazing raid damage. All 3 specs viable in raid open world.
Shardddd up m8
Skill issue
Wouldn’t be problem if they had more tools to make them better at solo pve/pvp
Warriors need to understand the rets have taken over.
Time to do what youre told and don the shield
They literally have a 30% heal.
So many cry baby warriors
I agree.
They really need to know their place
There are warriors above 5k dps on golemagg already, that’s single target, with no zg buff, a very very very top era warrior could maybe do 2.5k on a similar length boss fight in full naxx gear with the zg buff etc, you are over twice as good
guys im barely competing with other classes, oh wait
max: 1st
99th %: 1st
95th: 2nd
90th: 3rd
its funny how they climb every single week, like a week or two ago in the 90th percentile they were like 5th or 6th, i guess the 90% warriors are starting to do well, only another 2 years or so and the trickle down will hit you and abralan
Gotta wait for it to hit the 10% so them 2 start to do damage.
top 50 are irrelevant data