ZERO INTEREST in Dragonflight

That’s whatever you’re talking about for you…


So zero interest in the new talent trees as well? None of the zones looked interesting?

Is it ACTUAL zero interest?

OP mad he didnt get a scaly vulpera, that being said I really dont like the cartoony dragons.

No. I been asking for it for a while now. Once had a live discussion with a Blizz GM a while back about wanting this. Many others have too. I was all like “Hey look at Dragon Lance” to the GM. GM said cool idea. Kinda neat.

Me to get ready for this expac I am moving many of my toons and all getting ready for it.

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Can I have your gold?

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Wouldn’t it be more productive to tell us why?

I don’t think either side of the conversation has much of a leg to stand on when the Alpha doesn’t even exist yet.
Any info is subject to change,

Maybe there didn’t seem like there was much ask for Dragons but a lot of that could simply be because “no way we can get dragons. maybe some of the other lizards are more plausible”



quick, name a MMO that has REAL dragon player characters that look like dragons and not just some human with dragon features tacked on like the visage form

because i may need to check those out until Dragonflight comes out. :shushing_face:

So you’d rather more Shadowlands, than Dragons!? :clown_face:

Personally I think it’s a good thing the game is returning to more of a fantasy trope other than ramming us from behind with robots / nothing matters / nihilistic bs, in an expansion that’s supposed to represent eternity. Not to mention, the expansion theme seems to set more with World of Warcraft’s vibes of which people loved in the past than some unrecognisable abomination.

If you’re not entirely set on the overall theme, at least consider the venues it could open up for you, and hopefully the rest of us in times to come. Sure there’s a chance they may not come to pass (Like Shadowlands, I thought they’d be able to crack the door open and revive a load of villains + thus content, back into the world - yet they wasted that opportunity) - or it may (WoD at least paved the way for Legion, which most of us thoroughly enjoyed).

Either way, from what’s announced in their lessons learnt and improvements coming to the game - it seems the newest expansion has quite a few interesting quirks ahead. Additionally, although it’s ‘Dragonflight’ - They’re not going to be the only focus. From what’s implemented there’s going to be a heavy focus on elemental enemies & such, like the Djaradin.

From a practical & rational mindset however, I feel it’s too early to judge the entirety of the expansion from the theme alone. In terms of ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’ - There’s been some games that have had an interesting theme & turned out not so great, and others with simple themes that turned out to be the best gaming experiences I’ve had. As for lore, unlike the morbid retcon of a mess Shadowlands had to spew forth to jumble any threads together - The story for ‘Dragonflight’ is at least more fleshed out, easily tangible and can be better written much more smoothly.

im just happy to have a new class to mess around with, with a new type of ability im curious about.

those press&hold abilities make me very curious. wonder how its gonna feel/perform.
(they feel good in lost ark so i have high expectations)

*tbf shadowlands isnt hard to beat so i’m pretty positive itll be better.
oribos will not be a hard to beat that’s for sure.

if the main city(ies) is/are good and the raid is on par with or better than what i got used to… ill be happy.

sprinkle half-decent dungeons on there and were good.

Sorry OP, boring people will get excited about anything. That’s the lowest common denominator that blizz caters to.

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Meh, for me it’s just I know it’ll be a sheetshow like every xpac forever. Some new system that will get replaced by another system mid xpac, and never used again, and everyone has to relearn a bunch of new stuff again, and more grinding, and more doing the same old crap on 10 different toons. Nah, my account expires in 17 days and then I’m out. My faith in blizzard is just dead.

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where you going. the void will pull you back if you got nowhere to go :slight_smile:

im 100% hyped day one pre order for me and dragonflight will be the best expansion in years.

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Well maybe a little interest. I’m not sure what to think about talent trees. There will always be a meta and, as long as there are addons like Raider IO, there will be no “letting people play the game the way they want” so it kind of doesn’t matter. Icyveins will tell people what they need to have for their talent trees.

As far as the zones, it’s all fine and dandy that they are doing something new but again, more isles? I had been saying for a while that they really need another Cataclysm type event and completely revamp existing (outdated) zones. That’s what I believe they should dedicate their resources towards.

The Dracthyr could be very cool if Blizz allowed their humanoid form to be whatever race the player wanted (like Chromie) but, alas, Blizz seems already set on everything they are doing. Not even sure why they do betas at this point.

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Why was the reveal underwhelming for you?

I think it sounds great and I’m interested. I have my concerns with it, but overall I’m curious to see how it goes.

It’s not even in Alpha yet to have much information. Not sure we can judge it like this yet.

People have been wanting dragons back for ages. Just because you’re salty over some bad ideas for AR doesn’t mean this wasn’t asked for.

Yes. And it’s exactly what people have been begging for: to get back to high fantasy.

Good. Stay in that trash expansion or move to another game. Others will enjoy what we’ve been asking for over many many years.

Go play another game.

I was excited to see a reptilian-human race (sort of reptilian). However, with the new restrictions on flying, and the unknowns about how the new crafting systems will work, my excitement has plummeted from 8 to 1.

After too many expansions that force us to play for a year (or more) to “earn” flying I really hopped they had learned their lesson and would make it available at least within the first couple months. I did not expect to see them offer it on day one, which would have been a HUG comeback, but only to take it away and force us to use dragon mounts. My disappointment in Blizzard is very very high now and if I stick around, I don’t plan to buy any more expansions because I just don’t trust them to treat the players with thoughtful respect.

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So don’t play.

nice. what are some other things you’re not interested in