ZERO INTEREST in Dragonflight

I’m most worried about the mounts, honestly. They’re clearly being inspired by GW2’s mount system, but GW2 does mounts REALLY well. If they half bake it, then it’s just gonna drive home that it’s a knock off of a better system. I am looking forward to it, but I hope they don’t Blizz it up. :frowning:

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This is how I feel about it too.

They just gave us some glimpses. It could be great, it could also suck.

It’s possible they have been listening to complaints and are trying to fix them (I mean, they finally are adding ducks. That’s something, right?).

Then again, they could completely botch this talent revamp and people’s favorite classes and/or specs could get mangled. As an Enhance Shaman, this is a big concern. It’s taken a LONG time for this spec to REALLY feel good, and they could ruin that.

I’m hopeful but wary.


Well that is very concerning because its almost like they’re trying to make this game something it’s not. WoW has always been a leader in MMOs and for them to try to model it after something else just tells me they are out of ideas.

This is untrue. WoW, like other MMOs, has always just copied things that worked elsewhere. It’s what they do. If one has a huge fun feature others will try and adapt it. WoW when it came out copied from things like EQ. They just made it more accessible.

If anything, WoW has been lagging behind other MMOs feature wise for a LONG time now. It’s great to see them stepping up and trying to improve finally. Remains to be seen if it will work out though.

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I’m glad you’re excited for it. I’m a bit of the opposite. I wasn’t sick of Sylvanas, in fact I was interested to see just how crazy her story was going to get.

It didn’t get crazy enough for me but I still like Sylvanas even if they did make her out to be a bit daft in parts.

Everyone’s different. Sometimes reveals will squelch whatever drive someone has for the current expac, other times it seems to reinvigorate others for the whole game.

Just so long as they don’t go woke, I’m fine either way.

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Well, I’m pretty sure it started with devs from those other games because it is a lot like Asheron’s Call as well, with the “hearthstone” instead of the “lifestone”

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Specifics are less important than the point I was making, which was MMO have always, and will always steal from each other. :slight_smile:

Same. I’m not buying into the hype. None of us has played it, but to listen to many people, this is the answer to every prayer uttered by a disgruntled player. I will not buy into the hype.

If it’s good and the player responses are generally good after launch, I may acquire it. But as someone who returned my pre-purchase of Shadowlands, I’m not rushing into this with wide eyes and a hopeful heart. I’ll wait; I’ll watch; I’ll read. Then, I will decide.


(toggles your post to use it later)

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On one hand I get what you’re saying OP, but on the other I think some echo chamber forum threads greatly overestimate how popular the undead robot space vampire race they’re asking for will actually be. Race requests over time have become increasingly niche.

Give us a new tank class

Agreed. I’m one of those people that wanted another ranged class and another mail class (was hoping for Tinker).

I think what’s bothering people is the ranged class and mail wearer is tied to a race they’re not interested in. That’s my best guess.

Pandaren received similar, if not more, hate, and the prospect of playable Pandaren is what got me into this game way back when they were rumors for BC. People are going to claim no one asked for dragons, despite the fact there are almost two decades worth of requests for playable dragons. Just how these forums roll.

DK, Monk, and DH added tank classes. There has yet to be a ranged dps class added, until DF. Maybe they’ll add a 3rd spec that can tank. Still time.

Well yeah just like other who still enjoy the game are entitled to their opinion without a need to start name calling over your own failing to still find fun in a game.

Dont like it dont play it. But demeaning others for still liking the game is uncouth.

Seriously, this is what is wrong with society. I was the one being demeaned. I was attacked for saying I don’t like something. What people fail to realize is that we come here to express our concerns for the game because we actually care about it. Negative or positive, we post because we have a connection to the game and we want it to be awesome. Our collective discussions do, in fact, have an impact on the production. I honestly believe this game is at a point where they need to release many race and customization options that people have been wanting to use to define their characters. They’re all part of the lore and loved by WoW fans and really only make the game better. People cry about diversity in the real world and then seem to be opposed to it in a freaking game.

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I think its like hearing something over and over to the point its now annoying to hear and people are just sick and tired of the words and phrases.

I’m all for diversity and that but ive heard the word and the use of it only being done to push the ones in power getting people not diverse of thought or idea but skin and sexuality and its so vapid and shallow I no longer take the calls for diversity other then shallow meaningless buzz words.

Likewise theres no longer civil debate on anything is just verbal vomit of attacks and ad hominems to the point its who gets the last word it. Everythings a troll post if you dont echo my thoughts its a personal attack on my character and I call you an X or Y and start with the assumptive ignorant dog pile of dehumanization because all that matters is me myself and I and those who are a hollow repeat of a shallow identitiy that only goes as deep and my favorite game, political idea, yadda yadda.

This has become social media and uts gotten horribly divisive to the point of apathy for me anyways…belive me I get what you mean.

All our feedback is useful and more customization and choices and options are needed but its also drowned out by all the virtue signalling purely to complain or push only the speakers views so it’s like a tug o war of everyone against eachother.

I dont know I kinda went off on a tyrade sorry its hard for me to distinguish between genuine care and just bs these days.

My interest isn’t 0, but it’s pretty low. The cinematic didn’t hype me at all.


No one asked for tons of races and we got them.

I want a game where I can be surprised, not just shrug and go, oh they finally added ogres.

Stop wanting predictability, be open to new things and trying them before building a wall.

Open your god damn mind.

It made me feel things for stone men.

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So what do you think would’ve made for a better expansion?

Cinematic was bland/fine, new features announced were uninspiring at best, but I’m looking forward to it anyways. No ridiculously overly complicated systems (at least so far), no comically insipid Big Bad guy, no Sylvanas, no Anduin, balanced PVP gearing, rated solo shuffle, fresh m+ keystone rotations… Looks promising so far.

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