ZERO INTEREST in Dragonflight

I’m sorry, did I post this in the Blizzard Fanboi forum? I meant to post in General Discussion :clown_face:

I disagree. They went to all the trouble of putting together the presentation, so you can be sure they wont backpedal on any thing presented., which means that NOW is the time for players to speak out on systems that may still be in the works and could be changed. In any rate, we the players (customers) have every right to present our feedback.

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Only thing that can be said is if you have zero interest, then do not play it, but I will give a caveat, I understand this viewpoint after BFA and Shadowlands

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Well you understand I’ve been hanging on here, hoping things get better. They blew me away with Legion so I know they can do it.


If they bring back bfa infusion of light i’ll be interested

I think you hit the nail on the head, people have been waiting for a Legion content level expansion since well…, Legion…


they have been out of ideas for a long time


I remember not liking the legion weapons. Just felt like they were the focus instead of my character. Right now Id take that over anything the last two expansions have offered.
1 good expansion out of four. Great track record we’ve got here.

a crapton of games to play on ps4 :).