ZERO INTEREST in Dragonflight

Funny how many butt hurt White Knights rush to Blizzard’s aid. Been playing this game for like 15 years. I’m entitled to an opinion, even if you don’t like it. :clown_face:


Just from looking at the dracthyr, I think they took the idea from those that were asking for the lizard race in MoP, forget what they’re called, to be playable.

There weren’t many asking for that, but I remember some did for awhile.

The body structure looks like them, too.

As for the rest of your post, I can relate. It’s early still, maybe there will be something in the next expac for me but if not then I’ll be moving on. Such is life.


Word, this is me 100%. I was coming back around now that the tier-maker is out, and it kind of just shot holes in my sails. SL isn’t very fun and I plan on switching to Evoker in DF, so what’s the point of suffering Systemlands for the time being?

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See you on launch day then.


You’re referring to Saurok and, yes, there has been a big demand for them which is all the more reason to be disappointed with their garbage idea.


It’s a reveal trailer. I won’t make a judgement 'till there is more revealed… but I am interested. I like dragons… hero class with a unique combat is great since I couldn’t care less for AR’s that bring nothing special. Talent revamp finally to see tree back, profession revamp etc, color me interested.

It’s fine if you have no interest in every single expansion. Some expansions won’t do it for you, that’s fine.


I don’t know about 10.0 yet, trying to keep an open mind - but I’m pretty done with SL. Early reviews best be off the charts cause when my subs up, I’d don’t see the point insticking around with nothing by raid+ as a draw. They will have to literally entice me back at this point.

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I have double the interest thanks to this post, thank you!


I think we still have a year, at least, of SLs so that could be a reason to keep going but yeah, I can also relate to what you & the other poster said.

I’ve been so unambitious in this expac I haven’t even bothered with a legendary and I have all the stuff I need for it, too.

Haven’t even pvp’d, either. Just seems pointless.

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Don’t worry, they’ll slap it together in time for the holidays :wink:

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To be fair,

Its waaay too early to make any judgement.

I suggest you listen to the Danuser interview:

Danuser Radio Interview - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

That actually goes over what the lore will be leading up to the end of SL and the start of DF.

I loved the features they represented, but we will all see if the expac will be a good game.

I for one am optimistic.


You think it’ll be at the end of this year? Seems kind of fast, isn’t it?

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then dont play it. no one is forcing you to play a game.


I disagree, this expansion looks great! A breath in a different direction.

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who knows, and it depends on the beta cycles.

I believe legion and BFA had spring betas and Fall launches.

If its not ready, then Ill happily wait till 2023.


Time moves so fast these days, at least it feels like it to me. Earlier I thought it was 2020. pfft.

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I’m kinda the opposite. I’m super excited for this expansion. I love the new race, and I love the new features so far. The last two were eh for me. I loved the idea of going into the Shadowlands, but I was so sick of Sylvanas by that point that I really didn’t want to be chasing after her, and BfA was a straight up dud for me. I hate faction war stuff, and I hated that it started out with me having to burn down a tree when I would have rather burned down the person ordering me to burn the tree.

Dragonflight by contrast actually has me properly excited. Amazing new race, crafting revamp, GW2 style mounts, talent trees, more dragon lore, etc. :slight_smile:


Oh I agree on the revealed features.

Im still curious on the meat and potatoes.

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I agree with you about the race/class, but everything else I’ve seen looks decent to me if they can deliver. I’ll be playing it, and if it ends up a dud again I’ll just stop again. Nothing to get worked up about right now.


Well I don’t hope it sucks. I hope it turns out good, it’s just that not really anything interests me about it right now. The reveal was extremely underwhelming. The amount of excitement from the devs was like wow! :roll_eyes::laughing: