Zerg Ashran need fixes Now!

U need a frost mage + druid ( mass root or ursol’s vortex waiting for a typhoon after with frost wall plus frost orb then an incap roar. Gg. :tiger:

Before the gate opens, go into the keep, go to the back corner, down the stairs and into the jail cell at the end.

There are town portal scrolls on the ground, they’re sparkly, you can’t miss them.

They stack to 5, have a 1 minute CD and teleport you back to the keep.

Seems to be what the people in premades utilize to avoid the negative impacts of their actions.

No. You never say that, actually.

Zerging didn’t get brought up until this thread when you just had to chime in to contardict what I said. Ya know, just cuz.

You’re a f%^&*ng 2 year old.

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Blah blah blah.

Meanwhile this guy is AFK’d somewhere not helping his team at all.

You know where you can shove your “negative impacts”.

Another 2 year old.

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I have many times.

The ironic thing is you guys say that pugs zerg and I have always correctly pointed out that you guys do exactly what pugs do.

Awww someone is projecting.

That you make ths $h!# up as you go along.

Foolish me for arguing with a f%^&*ng 2 year old.

Done now.

Anyway…zerg bad.

Don’t Zerg. Play the game.

More fun.

Sorry the thread got temporarily hijacked.

The reason they are so comfortable with a long drawn out slog is cause it’s basically a guaranteed win for them.

With their 9 healers and your 3. Should see how hard djl tries to dodge fighting other premades both inside the bg and out if they even take the que.

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If you defend the boss chances are you won’t be able to kill enemy boss. So basicaly, you get into a turtle BG where resource will win the game. You’ve turned a 1 minute game into a 40 minute match for basicaly the same honor win.

You are simply proving you are the one acting like a two-year-old. But narcissists never know what and who they are.

Maybe don’t hijack it then?

This you?

10 char/

That’s me replying to you talking about premades yes.

No thats you taking me out of context. Which you’re great at, btw. Credit where credit is due.

Lets start over. Please answer this. Is it more fun to play out an Epic game as it was intended with big fights and playing objectives or is it more fun to just zerg past the other team and try to kill the boss faster than they can?

Not at all. Why are you trying to lie?

I have always said it’s more fun to play the objective. that’s why I pointed out the fact that you sync abusers only ever go for the best objective or only push or back cap because you have to. Its why you guys love AV because it’s small and it’s easy for you guys to stand in a lane and act good. In all honestly epics are flawed. But it doesn’t help that people like you make it unplayable for the average person. You are driving the knife deeper.

We agree!!! Look at us!

Thats a lot of words for saying that we play the game properly, push objectives and back cap…The way it was intended.

So glad we agree. We should do this more often.

It’s hilarious you missed the point but no surprising in the slightest.

Only when you have to. Randoms where not intended for large, organized groups. So, you are not playing the game as intended. Also, you ONLY go for the best objective like hanger. Even though you guys have huge advantage and could try other things you ONLY do what gets you the win. That’s exactly what pugs do. You guys only win because of stacked teams.

A 45 min game when AV was launched was considered quick.

Old AV used to.last hours

Whats hillarious is that you agree with my original point, but you can’t bring yourself to admit it. This is you being a 2 year old.

We always have to. So yeah like every game.

What are you on about?? Everybody goes hanger in IoC. Thats what you do. Early in the season when vehicles have a lot more HP, yeah you can go docks or mid, but as soon as everyone is geared up and that scaling is meaningless you go hanger. Glaives die too quick.

Do you even IoC, bro?

I didn’t agree at all. But you simply don’t understand anything you don’t agree with. The fact that you keep trying to imply I am a two-year-old simply makes you look immature.

Whatever you need to tell yourself.

Sure, because exploiters like you do so you have to. Glaives do massive damage to the gates. But you guys only take the easy route, and that’s my point you only do what makes it most easy to win. With you already stacking the odds so hard in your favor due to exploiting it just proves you guys don’t want fun fair fights you want free easy wins because you can’t cut it anywhere else.