Zerg Ashran need fixes Now!

Yes, but if you stop the zerg and force the other team to actually play the game and widdle them down to zero you can get up 1500ish honor in a match. Even if you lose a longer match you’re looking at around 700 honor.

I get your point for the quick win, rince and repeat method. If you are just looking for quick honor, its definately an effective method. Can’t fault you for it. But lets be honest. Its not fun. Its the opposite of that. It’s boring AF.

Folks love to complain about the premade communities, but we are playing the epic games the way they were meant to be played. Its far more enjoyable and wins are far more satisfying.

No, you are not. Randoms are not meant for large, coordinated raids. Also, you guys only ever go to the best objectives you never try anything else. You guys are just building the gravestone to an already dying game mode.

And here they are now.

Hi, folks.

Premade vs premade is fine.
Premade vs pug is not.

I swear to god, you’re more of a whiny child than Donald Trump.

How exactly am I “complaining”? I am stating facts.

Its all fine, honestly.

This is cute. Everytime I get in a match, that other side always fills up. Seems like there are plenty of folks who are still playing this “dying game mode”.

Also, this isn’t a premade complaint thread. Stop hikacking.

Honestly, we haven’t had a new premade complaint thread in a while. You should start one. I miss all nonsense and circular logic.

People playing a game mode doesn’t mean it’s not dying. Anyone that has been playing for longer then 2 xpacs can see that pvp is dying.

You are the one that brought up premades. If you don’t want facts being brought up, keep it to your echo chamber discord.

Maybe keep your nonsense and circular logic out of it then. But you have to bring that stuff to justify your BS.

For you because it’s the only way you can win. For blizzard and everyone else it’s not.

Probably because most people are just doing blitz instead. That’s like 80% of the reason I play blitz, no premades.

You’re triggered so easily.

And my point was that we don’t zerg. We play the whole game. Whether or not you like premades is moot.

Playing epics as they were designed as opposed to zerging is more fun.

That was my whole point. Which is in line with the thread topic.

Stop hijacking.

Hope you are enjoying it. Best of luck this season. Sincerely. No sarcasm.

Thaedreu is one of those pugs who runs off and afks in base or in the quarry cave in Ashran.

That doesn’t even make sense lol

I don’t think you even understand the concept of zerg because you 100% do.

Ok? So does everyone else?

Then why do you guys only go after the one good objective? Oh wait because you zerg lol

I don’t think you understand what hijacking is. Once again, you brought up premades, I simply stated facts and that seems to have upset you.

Have any proof of this or are you just spewing nonsense again.

What does that even mean?

In Ashram we clear roc, push flags etc.
In AV we burn towers, etc.
in WG we smash the wall or defend the wall.

What is this one objective you speak of? Please elaborate.

Love how you only address the one thing lol the point you only do what is the fastest and best way to win, you never try anything different. You do exactly what the pugs do.

So do we or don’t we zerg? You are contradicting yourself there.

You’ve never played with us once, but you seem to understand how we play the game more than we do. So please, enlighten us.

Where? I have always said you guys zerg lol

How would you know? Enlighten you about what? you even just admitted you do what pugs do lol

Hard agree, had a few games like this last night and they sucked. I think they just need to make bosses be immune to damage for the first 10-15 minutes or something, idk. Wish they would make Southshore vs. Tarren Mill a regular thing


Err… I’m trying to stay out of any premade conversation, but need to point out that Premade does Zerg, which I’ve seen and also a part of, for whatever great reason Zerg is chosen by the Leader at the time. But that is not the focus of the discussion here, which is “Epic BG should be Epic in fight and duration, and the Zerg race shouldn’t become a meta (among Pugs)”.

Indeed! I would love to see this in the BG list and not just a Brawl.

We’ve observed over 20 Pugs Ashrans on both sides in the past few days, and 90% are Zerg races, with a success rate of 65%. The main reason for failure is the lack of a (good) Tank, and you can predict the outcome of the Zerg by looking at the group composition with good accuracy. It’s nearly impossible to convince the group to stay and defend. However, if both sides didn’t bring any Tank(s), then after the destined double failures, followed by the departure of those noisy Zerg persuaders, you will finally get an Epic Ashran fight!