Zerg Ashran need fixes Now!

Yes they do…and good luck protecting them.

This is why everyone goes to hanger.

Are you new here?

He’s tripping if he doesn’t think the glaives die to a sneeze

There are easy to protect when you are sitting in discord.

Yes because of people like you.

Nope been here longer then you.

Are you suggesting that it’s the premades fault that everyone goes hanger?


You’re adorable. Honestly. A pure joy.

I clearly already said epics are flawed. But of course, you forget the stuff that harms your narrative. Again, you guys cry that pugs “zug” and do exactly what you guys do. I should pull out the crayons and picture books for you. What I said what the epics are already dying off and people like you are only helping dig the grave. But you don’t care clearly. Honestly take a basic comprehension class or something.

You literally implied the hangar strat was because of premades lol. Hangar strat has been the play since probably WoD, if not earlier.


/10 char

This what? Are you losing it like Hirav does sometimes?

Nobody goes hanger. They go hangar.

quiet you.

Maybe if glaives had more health, or there were repair kits you could pick up to repair them they’d be a more viable strategy.
The problem is that while they do a lot of damage to the gates, they are so easy to kill.
The airship does consistent damage and no way for the enemy to stop it besides taking hangar.

So you can put say, 30 people on defending hangar, and the other 10 on defense killing glaives and win. Whereas with glaives, you’d have to split your force between defending the glaives and defending the docks flag. Even with 40 people defending the glaives, people will eventually destroy them and ruin your plans.

I agree that’s part of the flaws I am talking about. I was just pointing out that sync abusers love to use the excuses that pugs just “zerg” to the best objective, yet they do the exact same thing.

Lol, I always felt this inconsistency in the world settings of WoW. For example in IoC, if people can take down armoured vehicles using their bare hands, weapons or spells. Why can’t they use the same to break through the gates and walls? If people can heal vehicles, why can’t they heal (repair) the gates and walls?

And yes it would be great to have repair kits!

In Guild Wars 2 World vs World PvP, you could attack gates on foot. It just took awhile, and was really only viable on gates that weren’t upgraded but it was possible.

I think they could do something more fun with siege vehicles. I’d even be fine if some of them were automatically driven and fired as sitting in one spamming the 1 key is terribly boring and repetitive.

Oh really? I haven’t tried that, got to check it out next time!

Just thinking, if players could patch up broken gates and vehicles using resources (from the quarry maybe?) it would be quite interesting, adding new strategic elements and making the whole struggle less one-dimensional.

You mean like a deployable cannon that player could specify where they go? That sounds like fun!