Zerg Ashran need fixes Now!

Ashran is now a Zerg race and every game ends in under 2 minutes. This is incredibly boring and might as well be removed. Blizz, if you are keeping Ashran, then PLEASE fix this up!


The Epics got ruined right after they nerfed NPCs. Best AV’s of my life were at launch good 45 min games 400HKs, summoning Ivus. IoC was a bloodbath and epic fights. Ashran was constant back and forth because of how threatening NPCs were.

If an Epic BG ends before 30 mins and no one has 200+ HK’s it wasn’t Epic. I rather they remove ALL Epic BGs if they aren’t going to fix them and work on them.


I agree completely.


For Ashran, even if they remove all NPC, making it an open space for pvp would be more fun than now. At the current state, they might as well giving out free wins to a random side when the gate open.


I think the NPC’s are fine but ALL Epic BGs should remove the end Bosses. You should have to win via resources. I just don’t have faith they will ever get Bosses in Epic right so just remove them and let PvP happen.

For Ashran I would even take the flag control points 1 further and put the final one in the base by the GY. So the enemy team has to fully invade. Which at least have good fights over.

PS - Also make the frag turn in NPC immune to damage. It’s dumb they can be killed.


I dont do epics but cant you just defend the boss?

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Just defend your base?
Every game can’t be a scripted fight at RoC. You can very easily see where the enemy team is going and react.

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Yes you have a Nice idea and it should be a quick and easy job for Blizz which doesn’t need to pass any balancing checks. :+1:

It still troubles me that we are finding these quality issues so early in an expac. Maybe they are still catching up on the backlog, I only hope we won’t need to wait too long. Anyway, a group of us had left feedbacks in game maybe it might help.

Yes and we did. Every game, BOTH sides zerg each others boss right from the start, some might stay behind and delay the enemy to buy time for their side to take down enemy’s boss. If we delay long enough we win. Either way, the game finishes within 2-3mins with little pvp action. For an Epic BG, this is boring and the problem.

Like I said above, its now a race to end the game quickly. Win or Lose doesn’t matter, and no one would bother defending to prolong the game. The game always ends within 2 mins. Why? Because the game permit so and its now the meta. You get 2 mins game time with little pvp action for waiting 15+ min in queue and thats the problem. Blizz might as well hand out the win to a random side and save that 2 mins too.


I just don’t think Blizz understands what makes an Epic BG actually Epic. They have zero ideas on how to create engaging PvP over objectives. So they slap in Old BGs with outdated mechanics and never tune them or pay attention to bugs/abuse.

As for Siege maps the cannons all do insane broken damage far more than a player which makes ZERO sense. A cannon hit me the other day for 5.4 million. It also gets in the way of PvP. Cannons and Sieges should ONLY damage walls or other Sieges. Period!!! This promotes PvP around the vehicles.

Just like how in Tol Borad the Sieges are ONLY used for Towers. Then you have to defend enemies from destroying them. You defend them and get the tower down it extends the match. Suprisingly Tol Borad only BG that did Sieges right and we don’t have it yet.


Yes and it should be a relatively simpler task looking after existing features comparing to adding new ones. I wonder why the lack of attention. Perhaps Epic BG is no longer cost efficient or profitable (server cost/player base/maintainance fee etc).

‘Whats Blizz’s plan and roadmap for epic bg’ would be a good question to ask, in an interview with Blizz Dev, if the interviewer would dare.

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Can’t be bothered to do epics beyond the weekly quest. Nerfing them so hard in pre-season was dumb.


The best way to fix ashran is to remove it from the game.

Bring back the one where ya jumped off the boat. It was better than ashran

That one wasn’t an epic even though it felt like one, but Ashran is a fun bg idk why people hate it so much it just needs to go back to what it used to be.

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Frost mage + druid in opening after bridge + 2 captains who do 2 mil mortal strikes each into frost wall and mass root ( talent) = entire team of horde dead.

Lol, just got out of Ashran where both teams rushed the boss, completely ignoring each other, horde killed our boss before we could kill their boss, awarded 20 honor for an 8 minute queue.


The rare horde kill nice lol been trying to get a boss kill, but alliance has a much easier time getting to the boss.

epic bg is garbage thanks blizzard


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Befor the season started. Plz fix Epic bgs

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You have a sync abusing group with you. They should never take the advice of people like you.

yes strands bring back strands


:100: And I still don’t get why did Blizz nerf them…

Is this Strands? Yes thats a great one so bring it back PLEASE!~ But please keep Ashran just fix it up because its my fav :smiley:

Yes this is nothing but a waste of time - even for people who play solely to farm honor.

Lol I wonder if this is all just setting up for upcoming major PvP updates - by setting everyone’s expectation bottom low :smiley:

Oh Yes PLEASE!!! :100:

How about Tol Barad?