Zerg Ashran need fixes Now!

If you want to be wrong, I can’t stop you.

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Yes definitely. Honestly, I would hate to see NPCs or Bosses removed but it would be more fun than the Zerg race.

I also wondered that currently in (post-nerf) AV, it’s still a bit tough to take down bosses without any towers. If Blizz could make the difficulty of taking down bosses in Ashran similar to AV, it might be enough. It would create a good reason to push the Flag (so backdoor could become possible). At least the game wouldn’t be able to end in 2 mins.

:100: I am still puzzled by why people would want it nerfed this early in the expansion. Blizz please roll it back!


Same here~! It’s strange why Blizz would take these great contents offline. Maybe, so they could bring it back later as a NEW content like the Classic Ashran Brawl ? :thinking:

So you guys bought time for the team by delaying the Horde and wiped a few of them in the process? Nice job! :smiley:

an intern could log in and fix this in 2 minutes by making the bosses immune for 5 minutes. Not sure why this is left completely busted for this long.

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Great idea! :+1: :+1: :+1:

So we will keep buying expansions hoping it will finally get fixed?

I still think it’s funny watching the sync abusers that complained and cried about pug “rushing the boss” do exactly what they cried about.

Everybody quit crying.

Its good design

Just curious, how long did this Ashran last?

Minutes. Both teams boss rushed, I grabbed a flower and hightailed it back towards Alliance base, there was a lock ands omeone else there. Between root, slows and whatnot we didn’t delay a lot and nobody actually stopped to fight us. Alliance just hit the horde boss and it was over.


In these crazy Zerg rushes, any little bit counts and it’s thanks to you guys for slowing them down and letting your team win! Good job :+1:

  1. Make rated epic BGS that give good conquest.

The you will see good games like in release vanilla where we had to grind. To get that fat officer armor and weapon set

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Or just fix the gladiator NPC’s so that they actually aggro people.

That and introduce AV style stacking buffs- every field objective your faction controls increases the boss’s damage and HP by 50%, mage is another 50% bonus.

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There used to be a damage buff in ashran in its original form back in wod. The area below mage was 10% the area where the mage was at was 20% and lastly inside the keep was 30% increase to damage/healing done.

Which made for really awkward situations where you would be winning handily and then all of a sudden you start getting destroyed like you ran up against a straight brick wall.

And also if that was reintroduced you can bet that the staring contests that happen in even sided ashrans a lot will only intensify by a lot.

Just checking - I assume this is your faction’s boss here? it would be funny (in a good way?) if not :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds like fun! And in Ashran maybe the 4 event locations can come into play somhow so the fighting can occur not just on the main road?

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Buff the hell out of the npcs.

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Ring of Conquest already has two very big reasons to care about it. It’d be nice if Solar Sphere was an event and ‘winning’ it meant you got the SS buff for the next 5-10 minutes. As-is it’s just frustrating because the buff is massive but holding it requires you babysit the stupid thing.

Facesmash the zerg. Force the other team to PvP. You will get plenty of honor.

It’s simple.

no, the cannons have to deal damage or you can’t get the achievements for killing stuff using the cannons… and if nobody gets in the cannons then you can’t destroy manned cannons.

It took me until Dragonflight to even know where the solar sphere was, and I’ve been doing Ashran since WoD!
The default UI is horrible about showing you actual objectives and progress towards them.

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The problem is that if you win the zerg, that’s instantly almost 600 honor.

And for the other team, they get ~200 honor and they can instantly requeue.

You’re actively incentivized to end the game as fast as possible.

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Solar Sphere wasn’t in the original Ashran of WoD and was added during BfA to the Epic BG version of Ashran. It’s quite common for returning players not to know much about it or even its existence.

Ashran (especially the original WoD pvp-open-zone version) is special to me because it is my first taste of PvP, and became the only WoW content I played during that time. I’ve spent so much time in it that fortunately, the PvP statistic didn’t cover the time spent in that Ashran or it would be rather embarrassing having that info visible to others :flushed:

Ashran will always have a special place in my heart and it’s so disappointing to see my favourite get turned into a 2-minute Zerg race.