Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

No, alone in the darkness very much was considered mathematically impossible.

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Its clear and obvious that a majority of the commenter’s in this thread are brain dead in regards to solo challenge content, and have absolutely never actually done proper solo challenge content.

They have no comprehension of what challenging means in solo challenge content.

It does NOT mean getting 3 shot by white hits, that is artificial and cheap attempts to appear as challenge.

Challenging solo content is supposed to have a routine of mechanics and important stuff about the fight to “learn” and “perfect” or else not knowing the mechanics can snowball into multiple errors leading quickly to a death, a sort of “dance”.

Many many MANY games have done this well ALREADY, challenging SOLO content is NOT a new phenomenon that only blizzard has just discovered.

There are plenty of MMO’s and RPG’s that have done this very well, and Blizzards iteration of it seems to be nothing more than a LAZY attempt to masquerade at providing Challenging Solo Content.

Elder Scrolls Online did a great job at providing solo content that was challenging and rewarding, they provided encounters that were mechanic heavy and had to be LEARNED.

LEARNING the encounter and figuring out all the steps of the dance was one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve ever had in gaming, and guess what… it didn’t even reward unique cosmetics, it was simply a way to get some of the best items in the game. Even that alone was very worth it, because completing the dance and mastering the learning process of the encounter itself was greatly rewarding.

And guess what else!? I know this is insane to comprehend, but it was possible In entry level gear, because the challenge was in the routine and learning the “dance”, NOT some ridiculous gear check, it’s actually quite sad that so many people think “gear check” = challenge

Slapping a boss into an arbitrary tier difficulty and making it basically impossible because of the high massive damage it puts out, all while having the same old simple mechanics that are no different than the past 20 years of World of Warcraft mechanics is NOT “Challenging Solo Content”

It is LAZY, and a sad attempt at branding themselves as providing “Challenging Solo Content” in an effort to bring in some of those niche players that like that sort of content.

Its actually a slap in the face and a disgrace to anyone that pays for this game in the hopes that they would release challenging solo content that would be rewarding, because it feels like nothing more than a typical blizzard cash grab that they couldn’t even be bothered to put time into and make worthwhile and REWARDING , for the PLAYERS, who you know, PAY FOR THE GAME.

Typical blizzard laziness and nothing more.

Just yet ANOTHER prime example of players getting screwed over by yet more of blizzards KNEE JERK reactions to their already bad decisions and design philosophy.

Lucky for all the players who decided to knock this out asap while it was possible,

And GG to all the poor players who will never be able to complete it because blizzard made an encounter that their class will never have even a small chance at completing.


By a single group. Not by the community as a whole.

If we went by what a single group accused of being mathematically impossible, we’d get like 75% of the game’s bosses.

gear check IS a challenge.

If something required the upper limits of dps or usage of survival tools, that can only be expressed through numerical requirements.

Please explain to me what is challenging about completing enough tier 8’s that the vault rewards you with enough gear to meet the gear check?

Is beating the fomo and being patient the true challenge?

Because what you describe is nothing more than a waiting game in that case, the only challenge in acquiring higher ilvl is the time gate that is in front of receiving that gear.

It is no challenge at all waiting for vault pieces, give me a break.

Clearly you have not done much challenging solo content in other games that have done it well.


Good players need less gear, others need more. That’s what makes it a challenge.

All those pesky abilities like movement or defensives won’t be needed if it were not numerically necessary. Same with dps cooldowns.

So then by that logic, the encounter should be doable with less gear now, and it is not.

Do you even know what point you are trying to make?


No, because people are far below the gear cap.

If it were tuned around the theoretical abilities of a gear capped character, on the easiest class to do it on, is there something wrong with that? (I suppose because it would be flat out impossible for the others, but the encounter would be possible at least on one class.)

If a good player needs the gear cap to do the challenge, the others would simply be unable to because there is no more gear to obtain.

Even with max gear, mythic ilvl, many classes will be outright unable to complete it in its current iteration because they lack interrupts.

Should they just re-roll?

Not everyone has multiple geared alts.


I dont know why also why the first 2 days Zekvir ?? got 175 M HP and now got 194 M HP.

So the people who killed him is because they did in first 2 days when it was easier. Again another example of xploit early. I know this wasnt an xploit it just the Blizz fault.

Now the others cant get the achiev till brann is level 30+ with full 616 gear.

And if they lowered the bar so that the best player on the worst class can do it, would it be acceptable then?

A literal one on one specific class, but every class can in theory complete it.

Come back to this comment in a couple months when everyone is geared out and realize you are dead wrong.

I did the ? difficulty on my prot warrior the other day and it was okay. I did several pulls on the ?? difficulty last night on my prot warrior and the cocoons just have so much health. I can’t burn through 22 million health in that short amount of time. I don’t think even at max gear for the season any tank will be putting out that much damage.

I’m talking hypotheticals here.

People have killed ?? at like 593 or something (maybe lower.) Pre-changes.

That was basically exploited by having warlocks channel drain soul and turn away from the boss

Essentially removing an entire mechanic from the encounter.

So yeah, it was still mathematically impossible.

Is there anyone defending zekvir ?? tuning right now? If you are have you even tried it or are you arguing just to argue? There are obvious fundamental flaws(white damage on par with a dungeon or raid boss) with the fight’s scaling which are exacerbated by the fight being not just doable but doable at low gear levels because the initial fight was basically hold on by your fingernails while brann senpai carried you. Its as if some random guild one shot every boss on mythic then blizzard panic hotfixed the fights to be impossible for the other guilds hours later. Because of this zekvir ?? is not in an acceptable state.

Zekvir’s unavoidable damage from melee hits and Brann’s role in the fight are both things that need to be addressed. Is brann supposed to carry the fight? If not why is the tuning as high as it is for the egg spawns and interrupt frequency?


The vault from doing T8 Delves gives i616 gear, which is upgradeable to i626. Gear from the maps in delves drops at i610 upgradeable to i626. Also your Bran will be significantly stronger in a few weeks. I’m guessing that if you keep up with Delves that Bran will be able to basically solo it himself.

As discipline I was in the ?? difficulty for like 25 minutes and the boss was at max HP because well… I DON’T HAVE AN INTERRUPT, finally died once brann decided to not dps the egg and I couldn’t kill it in time, boss was at full hp because he kept healing to full.

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Less isn’t none. The expectation would be that it’d require some minimum amount of both gear and skill, and that the potential to acquire more ilvl to offset that skill would be there but unlikely to be available early on.

This isn’t mage tower like in that you should expect to be able to do it simply by executing he mechanics over an indefinite period of time. It’s mage tower like in that you have access to a challenging piece of content that can be attempted solo in your own time.

Despite this, the tuning does feel pretty wildly off kilter. However I’d expect it to settle around 612-615 as a soft requirement.

Its also important to remember because we had a pre season we have ROCKETED through delves compared to what we’re going to do in seasons 2 onwards. We’ve done a week’s worth of content in a single day, every day, and will likely continue to do so for a few more days.

It was a guild who had a very good kiting strategy

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