Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

The community as a whole was not even attempting it. The single group was the only one doing pulls.

Maybe try it at 630+ ilvl?

I imagine when we get a higher ilvl and tier bonuses and what not it will be a lot easier. I tried it on my warrior and determined I was trying too early and this quest was something to work towards and not be something I complete in the first couple weeks of the expansion.

But hey, who knows? Maybe next week!

Wouldn’t matter. I’m an outlaw rogue. I’ve got 97% of my damage currently front loaded without tier because our tier set is functionally useless until Tuesday. I’m sitting at 606 ilvl and I cleared an 11 with minimal issues beyond the last boss’s cast in there hitting for 6 million damage.

Damage gain from the jump for a lot of us from 606 to 630+ is going to be around 15% on single target. The survivability gain, not much better, as most classes will sit between 5.5 and 6.5 million health as DPS. He hits for 2.7 million, which will drop down to maybe 2.3-2.5 million with the extra armor. You will be 3 shot. Or if he crits, you’re almost immediately dead. In full mythic gear.

The fight also doesn’t scale for tanks or healers, and the egg requires a minimum of 1 million DPS to kill. 15 mil HP, 15 seconds before pop. You must do this fight as a DPS in the current state as Brann is doing less than nothing.

It’s numerically just not possible for 90% of specs.

Edit: Oh, and I’m a class that vers stacks. We have about as much survivability as anyone in leather will be allowed to get. I’m at 18%, almost 10% flat DR. Most classes despise the stat. I’m taking less damage than basically every other spec AND STILL nearly getting 2 shot.


So you just have no idea what you’re talking about. Got it.

Still doesn’t solve the issue that the token to upgrade the gear isn’t dropping enough to actually upgrade everything to get to that number your talking about. 2 this week, that is all. RNG on the tokens is a bad idea.

quite the opposite. I am the only one aware of what’s going on. Get that.

A blue post dropped with some Brann updates. He still dies in two or three autos after that


Came here to say that. His health pool’s the same and damage remains underwhelming.

Edit: his Hunting Scope does about 2-3 mil damage and it used to hit for aroung 10 mil even after the nerfs. WHAT.

My BM hunter pets get 1 tapped by the boss on ?? its really fun and completely impossible for that spec :slight_smile:

Out of 39 specs, I wonder if its doable for any of them.

I made a post about this after the initial changes to scaling two days ago. As a BDK, doing this boss on the hard difficulty felt impossible just because of his abilities he would chain preventing me from even attacking the egg. I couldn’t even hardly dodge the fear without death’s advance or AMS, and if i didn’t have AMS up, if he casted the dot or a spinner got a cast off i just died instantly. From a mechanical side of things as a BDK it felt like it was literally just mechanical overload preventing me from even combating the egg so the add was forced to spawn, yet with two interrupts, adding a third with the add was just death.

You guys have no freaking idea of how much power does ilvl actually gives you. You think that if you jump from 605 to 630 you are going to gain double the power?

I feel like a ton of folks literally haven’t unlocked it and are therefore just unaware of how busted it is. But still choosing to comment on it for reasons


I’ve just accepted that Blizzard did this hotfix to prolong the Delve Season.

prolong it beyond Day 4 ?


OP, your gear is probably too low for that fight yet. Not even been out a week and people whining about it already. That is the pinnacle delve fight this season, take time to get geared then try when you have the gear. I truly doubt you have the gear for it yet.

It was doable before thursday at 600ilevel now it’s not. So some people will have it until the fight is hotfixed 3 weeks from now.

I did Tier 11 Day 1 - let me know when you get up to Zekvir ?.

Brann getting nerfed and then hotfixed is Blizzard’s method to prolong the delve season until players are fully GV equipped.

I don’t think I’ll be going that high at all, tbh.

solo content is just not my thing. I think +8 or +9 is where I’ll stop.