Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

You guys seem to believe +30 ilvl (I did it with 605) is going to give u a 50% power increase. Where do you get that from?

Also, if this is a fight gear gated, is it a good boss design? Is it really a challenge?


Yeah that’s good design. If you can faceroll it with no preparation or strategy like scrubs want then its boring.

It’s not required for anything, it’s a challenge encounter with a cosmetic bonus.

Big unavoidable damage gatekeeped by “mythic level gear” (as if it was possible with mythic gear lmao) is not good design. Sorry to disappoint you there. It is not like we didnt had good challenges like the mage tower before.


It’s not gatekept, plenty of people have done it. Maybe you can’t because you’re not as good. It’ll be easier for you with better gear though.

Show me a couple people who done it after tuesday hotfix messed it up. I want videos of no-bug run. The boss before tuesday had half the life (see videos on youtube).

I’m waiting.


Your insecurities and lack of skill are not my problem. But this all sounds like your personal problems.

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Ok. Still waiting.


So this is interesting and I like it. It’s a lot like the Mage Tower (revised version from SL) and I find it fun.

Doing it as a Bear tank, I’ve gotten him down below 20% about 4 times now. My interrupts are good and my healing is on point. The part where I fall apart and struggle is if I do not get a proc for Ravage (big hitter) and Brann won’t swap over to the cocoon to help kill it.

If a spider hatches (granted, lower you get the cocoon the lower the health of the spider) - my interrupts usually get offset and that’s where my doom is.

But i’m also only 587 with crapppppppp for trinkets. :slight_smile:

My tier set gives me AOE on tiger punch… don’t think it’ll make much of a difference. :rofl:

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Is STARS an acronym I am not familiar with, or are you saying that it was well-tuned because 0.001% of the playerbase was able to do it on release?

Most if not all of the claims that “there’s nothing wrong with the hotfixes, I did it myself” appear to have been done before any hotfixes.

If you did it after the hotfix, you can show us. If you are lying, that’s a personal problem on your part.


Skill issue, I done mine with no cheese, no exploits, no clipping shenanigans at 594 iLVL.


So pre-hotfix when it was actually doable lol


You did it, great, but I want videos friend. I want videos of a skilled priest with no interrupts doing it. There is literally someone on reddit who said he got the achievment on the same day was you, went to test it out because of the post and said he couldnt do it again.

Copy over what I said in another thread in the dungeons forum. Am a 606 Guardian specced druid. It seems near impossible to burn these eggs and their 13m HP before the add spawns. Especially when you need to run out of the fears and the cone attack, plus interrupt the heal that comes shortly after the egg spawn.

As a druid, we can get out of the poison when he’s casting one of his cones by shapeshifting, but if I can’t burn the add before it spawns, I’m dead. Since I’ve just used my interrupt to get the heal, I can’t lock down the add long enough to stop the stun cast. And once it gets a single cast off, I’m dead from the stun.

Shame on me for not rushing ?? at the beginning of the week… I guess…


what are you yapping about :clown_face:

they’re an Asian guild, who got a World First of a Feat of Strength encounter, a few months after most western guilds considered the fight to not be mathematically possible within current tier.

similarly, one of the RFW guilds (I think Premonition) said about Heroic Lich King would not have been possible without the stacking buff unless every attack was a crit. This was proven wrong by Paragon who went back and did it 0%.

The kills for alone in the darkness came from Shadow priest exploiting through the door.
Stars I believe is the name of the guild.

This would be fairly easy for mage if Brann weren’t useless and unreliable now. He does pretty much no damage so I facetank the boss the entire time. Sure, fine, I have barriers and Ice Cold. But then he doesn’t bother to interrupt most of the time now too. If I interrupt a poison, it’s usually not off CD when the next one comes. And he seems to only use his interrupt a third of the time. Or worse the soundbyte will play but he won’t actually do it.

It’s just kind of frustrating. If he can’t take aggro, do damage, or interrupt, what good even is Brann now?


kinda annoyed at how many ppl are taking about them killing it when u know damn well they killed it before brann was nerfed into literal uselessness.

oh and btw convoke the spirits doesn’t work on the egg at all.


No it wasn’t.

You are referring to AQ. Which was mathematically impossible and fixed before anyone defeated it.