Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

This is low effort trolling, even by your standards. If you have actually done the fight, you’d know it’s absolutely impossible to do after they nerfed Brann, and some specs like priest will remain unable to do it even after mythic raid gear comes into the equation.

Mind you, unlike you, I actually did it pre-nerf and it wasn’t easy, wiped a lot but ultimately got it down and it was satisfying. So I know exactly what im talking about when I say this crap is badly designed and/or tuned.


So are you stating that objectively has not been completed since the nerf?

And that was also before they nerfed Brann hard and buffed the boss.


Avoidable damage is a skill check.
Unavoidable damage is a gear check. DPS requirements (ex. breaking the egg) are both.

Factors 1 and 3 are fine “tuning knobs” to present a real challenge and require skill and practice. With tier set bonuses and gear available this season, it should eventually be possible for all dps specs to somewhat consistently do 1M+ dps to an egg while avoiding other mechanics. Not sure about healers and tanks if Brann isn’t un-nerfed. But for dps, it should be possible later this season if it isn’t already.

The unavoidable damage in the fight right now, though, is too high. Way too high. At end-of-season mythic item levels it will still be too high. Unavoidable DoTs and autos hitting for 7 figures in a fight lasting 5+ minutes aren’t manageable now and still won’t be for a majority of specs at ilvl 636 – which isn’t even remotely attainable by players whose main endgame gearing source is delves themselves!

This kind of content cannot be successfully balanced by cranking up unavoidable damage numbers simply because people were completing the content “too soon.”


Because it is IMPOSSIBLE. I tried and killing the spider in time as a tank is next to impossible, on top of having to avoid getting destroyed by his 5M constant melees. As a DPS, Brann goes down instantly due to 3M melees and I follow not long after.

Zero lights Yogg is not even remotely comparable. Not even close. That fight was legitimately hard but possible, while this is downright IMPOSSIBLE. Most of us who already got it done even tried again to test, and it’s a complete mess.

If you haven’t done the fight at Tier ?? At all, please shut up. Having someone talk about something they have next to no clue about and implicitly tell them it’s their fault when it isn’t is downright idiotic. And if you did it pre-nerf, record a kill of yourself doing it post nerf and share.


I’ve killed the spider in time once as a healer on ??. (Brann nuked it for 8m.)

Add in more power, I can see it.

They fixed it to make it harder? lol

I feel like a literal professional player being able to barely beat it should be an acceptable bar if they want a challenge. The glaringly obvious solution to this is to remove gearing as a factor and design an encounter that’s pure challenge and isn’t at all gear dependent.

They can do it by scaling gear (which we know would need several tweaks to most specs, but they could get it there) or have some sort of progression system within delves themselves to make it a manageable, even if still difficult fight.


There are no unavoidable dots on Zekvir? (Shouldn’t for normal dps anyway.)

Not all classes have a magic cleanse or multiple interrupts, and you must use your interrupt on his heal.


No, the dot is interruptable. But you also need to interrupt his healing mechanic. On phase 2 its only 10 seconds apart from each other, so you end up going for the healing.


That’s the case, yeah. It’s unclear if it was intentional or a bug, it was unlisted effect with the patch on Thursday which lead to Brann’s damage and survivability plummeting as well as the boss increasing outgoing damage, though.

Incorrect. DK might be able to avoid being hit with the dots as well as Paladin since you can freedom it, but the only way to interrupt the dot every time is to let the 20 or 30% heal go off, which means you don’t kill the boss.



Welp… maybe I’ll squeeze it in at the last minute to get the achieve. lol

Play Diabolist, and you can cleanse it with circle.

Brann is extremely inconsistent and throughout the fight you’d have to remove probably 11 cocoons.

He’s also inconsistent with his interrupt, as he won’t cancel an active gryphon or rapid fire to use it, meaning sometimes you’re relying on him to kick something and he just doesn’t and you die. Even at 610 ilvl on priest with an R4 porcelain arrow this is not possible.


Some item levels ain’t helping with this lmao





You are referring to the Pre-Nerf C’thun fight. Alone in the Darkness was doable before hotfixes

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This is false, i was referring to the forums’ crisis-de-jour during late tier 8.

I read all that and I know before scrolling down, half the replies are simply going to parrot some variation of the git gud scrub meme. gear blah blah blah. season long blah blah blah.

Though I think the impossible nature of the fight is intended, its like a player version of a lazer pointer for a cat, you were never intended to complete it until Blizzard deems its time. which means its going to be BS regardless until the twilight of the season when Blizzard either does open or stealth nerfs to the fight to allow you to win, if anyones still around to bother.


I mean you can get 616+ gear in season 1, and most people are like 590 right now. It will obviously be easier as time goes on.