Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

Because maybe it takes a bit more time. We don’t know what is causing these problems and we don’t know how everything works under the hood in this game. Let’s not pretend that developing and maintaining this huge of a project is an easy task. It’s not.

Of course, their QA could’ve been much better and letting this kind of problems slip through to the release is something Blizz should be bashed for, but that is another topic.

There was a window of like 3 days where Brann would just solo it for you, as long as you didn’t stand in stupid and helped him aim the idol shot on the egg.

Now, he gets one tapped by melee, two shot by any AOE, and rots out in 2 seconds to the DoT. As well as almost never helps interrupt, and isn’t targeting the egg many of the attempts.

He went from a crutch to beat it, to basically a set piece that does nothing now.


I enjoy the people who beat him before the patch going “Boy that was a very hard fight, I could barely do it”


“The fight is flat out undoable now”


Okay, still no reason to not talk about the issue, the absolutely awful decision to push the hotfix when it was untested mid-week, and the fact that the QA is a problem. Literally 0 reason to let up on them until they get around to reverting the bugs they caused with a late-night Thursday patch. It needs to be emphasized and worked on, not handwaved like they tried to earlier before dropping unrelated notes.


stuff being hard =/= a bug.

Stuff being impossible due to unrelated hotfixes is a bug. Very simple concept.


But is it impossible? We’re missing like 40% power.

Do you think 20 ilvls is going to give me 3-4m more hp as a dps?


Why would you need it?

Do you know anything about the fight?


Yes, and the boss hits hard. 3-4 M more hp is like 2 seconds, one more auto? lol.

By normal means, yes. And when I say normal means I say not using any tricks, bugging brann on a wall or something.

On the DPS version brann dies within 30 seconds, it doesnt matter if I face the boss against me. I had to pop all my cooldowns to mitigate the auto attack. As soon I had no cooldowns, I used my potions. When I didnt had anything, I died to 2 autos.

So, by fighting him directly, yes it is. At least as a monk.



A 40% increase to health, damage, and healing isn’t going to get people anywhere close to beating it, much less to where it was prior to the patch breaking it.


Ill just answer the question for you

“No I do not, I actually haven’t done much delve stuff at all and just like to tell people their wrong about anything”


Lol, I’m saying 3-4m hp won’t make a difference if you really needed the health.

It’s about sustain, not a burst.

You’re saying a lot considering you have 0 clue what the fight is like. 3-4 million is 1-2 white hits.


Exactly? that’s why I said it doesn’t matter much.

always love these deepdive takes, they always miss the forest for the trees. Are you max gear for S1? Got your 4 pcs? Oh You don’t? so how exactly do you refute the point that this is something to do when you get more gear? Maybe, just maybe, and without asking for your take, blizzard decided they didn’t want the S1 challenge boss to die 3 days into existing, before the “season” even started.

The amount of hubris it takes to make this kind of post, berating the devs for not giving you a baby version of something to beat when you have little to no gear is absolutely astounding. I’d love to know where you got this right to clear all content immediately just because you wanted to, let’s see those references.

You’re just arguing for the sake of arguing? Health is the sustain, and that sustain is like 10 seconds. 20 if you have an immunity.

Health isn’t sustain. Health is a depletable resource.

Sure, you live one more auto.

How’s that going to help when you’re going to need to survive so many more?