Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

You really have no idea how broken it is after the hotfix. It’s not expected to be easy, it’s expected to be plausible to do this season.


Skilled people have beaten this challenge, I saw a few Void Dirigibles around. It is possible, but if you can’t do it right now, just get more gear, level up your Brann, practice and you’ll beat it too.
People say they messed up the scaling with hotfixes, if that’s true, then just wait until they fix it.

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I"m not saying it’s perfect, but people need to expect some degree of failure if they’re trying it while undergeared.

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They did it before the hotfix on thursday…
HAve yet to see a single person record a video of a clear post hotfix
and thats why we’re making these topics, to get them to fix the scaling. They only addressed group delves


And even if gear ‘solves’ the problem, why would the average person go back to do those delves for lower gear?

I did gave you the answer. “Challenges” arent about getting mythic equipment when you know very well 99% of the player base usually dont go past the third boss in a season.


?? difficulty is the seasonal challenge for people who do delves for content. That means people have about 5 months to get geared up and beat it.

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Ok. In the Heroic testing, our ilvl was set automatically to 615. I had about 5.5mi of life with the priest buff.

Lets say I can do mythic gear, and pump my life up to 6mi and get a priest buff. Also like a 5% damage reduction due to better armor.

Explain to me in the best way you can how can I go against a 3.1mi physical auto attack (not critical) in a fight that is 3min+ long (3min is assuming you also doubling your DPS with the mythic gear).


I think part of the problem is the reflexive change Blizzard made that caused a large chunk of people to miss out on it because everyone who got it prior to the hotfix just let Brann do everything short of interrupting the heal and keeping the player alive.

He’s functionally useless now.


You’re comparing things that came out mid xpac when you could have everything maxed out from the previous season, resulting in less of a gap than what we’re currently facing. This is literally week one of the season in the new xpac.

Come back in a couple weeks and if things are still exactly the same, then let’s talk.

As I said, if it’s scaling problem after the hotfixes you’re talking about, then just wait, they’ll fix it eventually, because most likely it’s unintended.

And thats what this topic is about. I’m asking Blizzard to review the problem.


If you aren’t going to read or play it to discuss the actual problems it currently has, there’s no point to continuing to post here. This is not able to gear to the level of, it is entirely broken after Thursday.


Never do this. Speak up and loud, or things will NOT change.


It would’ve been true if there weren’t already billions of threads about scaling in delves. It’s known issue. Blizzard has already stated that this is a high priority problem and they’re working on it.

I assume this is just from scaling changes? I saw someone with the Solo Tier ?? Zekvir mount already, on an RP server.

I look forward to your video on doing these without any gear, if its not important.

Blizzard saying it’s a high priority problem and then pushing a hotfix that doesn’t address the issue is all well and good, but there’s 0 reason to stop talking about the very significant issue ongoing.


There was literally wowhead topics on the original magetower guides on how to do it if you were undergeared. I did with 9 specs total and can confirm it wasn’t an “season end gear” issue.


That doesn’t mean with 30% more power, that you can’t do the current ?? challenge.