Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

It was possible before the update… you just had to get lucky with Bran not forgetting the cocoon. It doesn’t feel possible now.

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Ok, let me simplify it. If Blizzard gave me a “40% power” like they are talking we missing on this start of the season, it wouldn’t be possible to beat it either. If I had 9mi health instead of 5mi, I would die for 4 autos instead of 2.

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So the fight is impossible. Glad we cleared that up.


Wow. An actual, technical post about something wrong with Delves. As opposed to “wah wah delves hard nerf it so I can get heroic gear from world quest level content”. Kudos and upvoted, man.

But, I will say, based on your description, Zekvir sounds more like a true endgame challenge, and we haven’t even had our first vault of the season yet. We’re both ilvl 600, and we’re supposed to be ilvl 630 halfway thru the season with tier bonuses. Unless Zekvir is say a reliable source of 616 gear but requires ilvl 620 to beat, then I think we can hold off on nerfing it for now.


No, we did not.

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Brann soloing it seems like it shouldn’t be the goal.

But I use Healer Brann and he does a lot, not so much in damage but he is a requirement to stay alive in some cases. I will reserve my own judgment on the hard mode and T9 through 11 Delves for when I am geared because face into wall on it this early appears to be an exercise in frustration.

People who have cleared the fight before the patch “Yea, after the changes its no longer possible to do, and heres how it isnt”

Forum users who clear level 1 delve “YEA WELL YOURE NOT MAX ILVL POSSIBLE CHECKMATE”


Right, I’ve had more illuminating conversations with a brick wall. You’re arguing for the sake of arguing, I’ll leave you to that.

It does not matter. No amount of gear for the season will fix the insane issues with the fight since Thursday.


Malgorok wanted 3-4M more hp as if that would solve it.

No, it wouldn’t.

Where did I say that would solve it?

Then why ask if it would give you 3-4m more hp?

lol IG it’s gonna be something I won’t fully get until I try for myself, then.

Honestly, I’m mostly just afraid of the snowball where Blizz will nerf Delves in general after caving for Zekvir. Then, come next season, delves will all of a sudden not drop anything above normal raid gear even in Vaults, and I’ll have to pretend to enjoy the companies of others to play M+ for gear again.


He got confused, pretty sure he was the one who said that.

Melee from the boss deals upwards of 2m, Brann dies in 2-3 hits. It’s a quick experiment I assure you.

That’s not really applicable here. The problem is his scaling got broken in the Thursday patch, the ask is for his insane bugs to be fixed to the original level


It was a response to this:

Implying HP is the solution.

You gave a % of player power missing

So I asked HP, since thats player power as well

Then you went off going about how that won’t fix it, when you’re the one who brought up player power


No, HP isn’t the same as DPS.

He’s not worth the headache.


Never said it was, you said player power not dps

Try to remember your own comments


HP isn’t the same as power.

Its absolutely connected to power lmao

Yea I should stop, the guy who did a single delve trying to tell everyone they’re wrong about delve difficulty isn’t a good fight