Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

They need to make Tier ? a lot easier, so people can actually complete the quest and get the meta. Tier ?? should be the near impossible one that 1% of the players can do for the Feat of Strength.

Mechanic wise, yes. Should not be gated behind full-on 636 gear though.

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It isn’t though? It’s just badly designed for healers and tanks. That’s a separate problem.

Yes it is. Oh yes it is. I stated this on the topic very well.

Theres no way a 605-615 can withstand 2.5mi non-crit meeles, and is really hard for a lot of specs to deal 15mi in 15 seconds out of their burst. I still don’t think that most specs can take those hits even with 636, but since nobody seems conviced we will have to wait till people get there and try the fight.

I’m 618 right now, and although my DPS is better to deal with the cocoon the first and second time, by less than 1 minute into the fight I already used all my defensives and died even with Brann as a healer. As a 2400 I.O monk, I don’t want to say I’m a god, but yes, I know how to use my class very well.

And so far, I can say that no, it’s not possible for me to complete the fight with the dumb Brann.

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I mean… there’s a lot of youtube videos coming out of people soloing it around the 615 mark now. Classes with confirmed kills being Priest, Warrior, Evoker, Hunter, Monk, and Warlock. Ret has a proof of concept but I’m still yet to see someone actually do it, which has surprised me somewhat.

I killed him today on a 602 boomkin, it was impossible for me on druid tank this was the “easy” mode though

This is about the “??” hard mode, not the “?” easy mode. “?” is tuned for about 600 ilvl and should be doable by every dps spec at that ilvl, more for tanks / healers but not impossible.

As ? Or ??

If that was ??, that is insanely impressive. Still impressive as ? Though.

oh well ok :cry:

Seriously? Just gimme the monk video then please I wanna learn papa



Here’s two.

Definitely a bit harder for casters with longer interrupts though. So I give props to any caster completing it in low 600s.

Except locks. Stinky stinks. Lol

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“?” mode doesn’t have a heal cast, just the DoT. So if you have a way to remove the DoT by cleansing slows you can always hold kick for the add, at which point the fight’s kinda just free if you can dodge because the dps check on the eggs goes away.

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After watching the first 60 seconds I think that there is something wrong with my “fight flow” then. I wonder if its random, and trying over and over will fix this. Terrible design if that is true, though.

What I mean is that in my fights he never casted that heal before the cocoon. He always hits me for 3-4 times with meele attacks, then cast a skill, then another 3-4 times, then another skill.

In that video the monk had a little room to breathe. Very possible at least.

P1 felt almost entirely scripted from when I did it, I think the heal might have a % trigger where it comes earlier though, idk. Either way I didn’t really feel much of a difference from one try to the next until after the 2nd egg set of P2.

Getting to phase 2 pretty regularly and had him at 30% yesterday. Lost because he sent the egg to another continent and immediately denied the area with a mechanic. Feels so bad for melee.

Like even once I beat it it’s just gonna feel like I got lucky. Just gambling my time lol


Welp, it’s a joke now. Killed him first try after this lol

Almost did it first attempt after nerf wow lol haha

Its been nerfed to oblivion
grats on those that did it prenerf. This was inevitable though like half the specs in the game couldn’t clear it period

I’ve done it both in groups and solo (including 2x this morning as I was testing a few things to help others). It is definitely WAY harder in a group than solo. Brann, as DPS, was more or less my equal partner when solo and may as well not even been there with someone else in the group.

I wish Blizzard gave us more control over his role as DPS. Like whether we want him focused more on CC or raw damage output. I don’t want to control his abilities like a pet class, but I’d appreciate if I had the option to tell him when I want boss/elites burned or when I want him helping with adds/CC. All in all it’s a minor thing though.

Zekky is/was pretty easy solo though. Can’t imagine casters having any luck with it given the interrupt disparity so good that Blizz addressed that.

I expect you’ll get more loot this season. I’m pretty surprised people are beating him this early.