Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

Got 4 set on my ele shaman yesterday and I’ve managed to reach p2 but I think I’ll wait til reset to give it another serious try. I can somewhat consistently break eggs, but p2 feels faster somehow might be the movement from the new mechanic. I think i can do it at this point with a perfect pull.

Just found out that feign death “Despawns” the add if it’s used. Hunters are doing “?” and “??” mode zekvir by having their pet out but disabling taunt, ignoring the cocoons, trapping the add when it spawns, and feigning at some point after that to despawn it and repeat.


Personally think it’s a little cheesey but if it works it works.

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I knew this was gonna be easier for ranged as soon as they got past the 3m melees
Melee specs need to meet the DPS check on the egg. Can only stay on it consistently half the actual hatch time. But I do believe it can be done close to consistently with the raw gear for it, was probably tuned for BiS or something. I’ve done the macro straight to the egg thing already. Just need more deeps.

The fight feels like it’s tuned for 615, which feels extremely fair given not every delver is going to be able to play it flawlessly and might need the extra 4-5 average ilvl. With delve gear capping out at roughly 619 with a few gilded crests here and there that might go towards a weapon.

Got it to phase 2 a few times today, around 45% best pull. The reliance on egg spawn location is very frustrating. You can put him in a corner by the stairs or on the raised platform and he’ll spawn it close by pretty reliably, but it gives you little to no space to dodge the fear in time.

Getting there! And yes agree with the frustration, again comes back to the spell queueing. Can’t prep for something you can’t predict.

You sure? What about specs that can’t dispel spittle at all? Its still undoable for probably half the specs in the game. And melee faces a lot of RNG during egg if he casts an aoe on it.
Not to say I don’t enjoy the challenge, I’m secretly hoping it stays as it is. But fair? I dunno about that.

It is anything but fair. How is it fair to expect a tank to pull off 14M damage in 10 seconds? I dont think its fair to expect me to change my spec and farm for dps gear when the challenge SHOULD be tunned for healers and tanks, like the visions of nzoth were.

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Exactly what I’m waiting for season 2 and the ilevel threshold to go up before I even attempt it

People want to do it season one because you get an achievement and the void blimp skin.

You wont get the rewards then. Think of this as solo AOTC.

Tuning and mechanical limitations are two different things. The suggestion I’ve given repeatedly is to allow us to keybind / use Brann’s dispel and interrupt ourselves instead of him use it automatically.

As far as what the fight wants you to do (Dodge, kill add, live) and the time it asks you to do it in, the fight’s pretty great from a DPS perspective, which brings us to the second point.

Tank and healer specific versions of the encounter is another issue yes, I didn’t mean to imply I think the fight is fine for everyone. I hope blizzard does what’s needed to make a version of this fight every spec can theoretically do, and learns from this first attempt for future delve end tier bosses.


I GOT HIM DOWN. Ele shaman 613 with tier set and way more pulls then I’d like to admit, but i got him!

I killed him on this toon as arms 600 ilvl this morning.

On ?? difficulty?

Nice one! I saw a vid of a Korean ele shaman do it a few days ago. Looks like your toolkit lines up nicely but the fight still seemed extremely challenging, gratz!

Thanks! Yeah ele’s damage profile was really convenient for the eggs, dodging was a bit of a hassle since burning ghost wolf at the wrong time opens you up for the debuff though you can wind rush totem it off too, but after a while you get used to it. I think the biggest things that annoyed me on the fight is zekvir being able to crit, branns stupid raptor egg(i use tab target), and some of the egg spawn points in particular going toward the entrance or exit since it could los. Also probably a gear issue but sometimes it felt like the eggs required an earth shock crit to get them down in a comfortable time frame if stormbringer wasn’t up. Overall it was fun to prog, but I do hope they look at zekvir again since I don’t think the fight is completely fair.

got cucked hard by vault im not gonna be able to clear till next week I dont think

Yeah Id have done something like

I thought about it, but I’d grown used to following the animation and it wasn’t one of the things that wiped me as much as positioning or not noticing the debuff and the like.