Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

There are very real problems with the fight that shouldn’t be ignored. Such as inconsistent spell queueing, RNG with if Brann will use his abilities or not, how often he gets feared in P2 etc. The fight is by no means even close to a final iteration that’s doable on every spec.

My spec was able to do it, there are several others too, but the fact that list is so short is the main problem with the encounter.

The actual “tuning” of the fight, how hard it hits, how much HP it has, how long you get to do everything the fight asks you to do, is damn near perfect.


Timing is really important in the fight. Zekvir himself is manageble. With the add it becomes quite a bit harder, because it can root you, and zekvir can basically one shot you with his cone ability.

Zekvir also puts a nasty dot on you. Its interuptable, but when there’s an add you have to prioritize kicking the root. Those things are more important than dpsing Zekvir down. If you have a good cleave. You can hit the egg
And Zek at the same time.

The eggs should never hatch, you should be swapping to and killing them before they get the chance to.

On ?? mode he also has a heal you have to kick, and the add heals for 50% hp when it spawns.

True, if you get then before they hatch thats preferable. I was ilvl 590 when i beat it, so i couldn’t always burn tbrough the egg. Id have to kill the remaining 10-15% of it.

Ive already subconsciously decided im going to go for ??. It sounds crazy hard. I just think i should gear up some more.

What class / spec?

Ret paladin.

610 ilvl should be enough. Play an ST spec with ES And Wake of ashes mini wings. This macro will also be extremely helpful.

This will let you immediately ES the egg as soon as it spawns to guarantee you get the explosion damage off before it would turn into a spider.

Kick every heal, freedom the DoT application, hold wake + ES for eggs, and grind it down.


They should removed the Achievement from all the Accounts that earned it pre-nerf honestly, blizzard obviously didn’t want people earning it that soon, which is why they borked it up, so just remove it from those who cheesed it, not like the 20 players who have it, don’t already have plenty of spare time to re-earn it at the base difficultly level the rest of the player-base now has to deal with…


Oh thats super helpful thank you :smile:.

Im getting a bit older and forget things like macros can be so helpful. Im almost 600. I recon it’ll take a few more weeks for me to hit that ilvl. I can’t wait though. Beating it on ? was very fun.

When I was doing it I found the reason I was failing was I lost the 0.5-1 seconds of damage actually finding the egg when it spawned. So I macrod the first ability in my “kill egg” sequence to target the egg automatically. Got it a few pulls after that.


Yea, its difficult to see where it spawns sometimes, and the doorway spawns kind of sucked.

They are talking about the next zekvir difficulty not the first one.

Got 4pc yesterday. 610 with 4pc and flask, still feeling pretty awful. Damage still isn’t enough to consistently kill eggs with ES/Wake. Pretty much relies on you getting crits, and because you can’t use anything on Zek and have to chug glories to survive melee, you’re dealing pitiful damage and practically autoing him to death.

And if he spawns the egg far it’s insta-lose

There’s a video floating around of a french canadian paladin getting decently far in the fight last week and getting consistent egg kills. His issue was not having the opportunity to deal much damage outside of it. Lemme see if I can find it.

Edit: Found it


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What lvl is your brann? Just curious.

Yeah I’ve seen that one. Like if the egg spawns close it’s “fine” assuming you don’t get a garbage overlap of mechanics. There’s just so many levels of coin flipping.


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Yeah my main complaint with the fight besides just some specs being incapable of doing it due to their toolkit is the lacking consistency, both in terms of brann’s ability usage and the boss spell queueing. What helped me a lot was having BW timers up and watching when claw / fear / egg were going to be coming off cd at basically the same time and prepping for it.

Once I knew roughly what was coming it was a lot easier not to get caught out by it.

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Might have to try BW then because DBM has no idea what’s going on. I’ll see fear coming up and it’s a slam, egg coming next and it’s a fear. He also just uses abilities in different orders sometimes. I think moving him around throws it all off.

Yeah I’m not fully sure what it is. Also I found the guy has a part 2, he fails the second egg of P2 but he’s also still using a 606 weapon, and has no pot or lust and is generally just very undergeared for it still.


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Found a WW PoV at 616, he has very good weapons though.
