Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

I’ll go let him punch me once right now and get back to you with how much it hurts. lol

Maybe my Brann isn’t high enough level. He can’t outpace the damage even if I’m not getting hit by things other than melee. Either that or he keeps getting feared; it’s hard to tell with the tiny room and multitude of camera problems. Not having any issues downing the cocoons in time, but it’s difficult to stack the potion buff and maintain it well when Brann randomly tosses them into the other side of the arena.

Also weird that Zekvir twoshots my pet but is hitting me for around 700k melee. Been going sans pet instead. Fight is really unkind to any class that has to cast, though (aimed shot, in this case). I’m doing like half my normal dps on him. lol

I think it makes sense given having the pet / brann tank him in the alcove while you use the wall to LoS all his attacks would make the fight far too easy.

Once you get the hang of / get a bit more levels in healing brann your damage really doesn’t matter besides being able to kill the cocoon. Fight’s a marathon not a sprint.

My Brann just hit level 20 yesterday. I’ll come back when I replace a couple of pieces, as well. Like these garbage 580 bracers. Might make the difference in survival rate. Or maybe I should just do a bunch of delves and get Brann a few levels, too.

I’ve been getting Zekvir to around 60% and then it goes to hell.

I would say 20 is a little low yes, don’t think you need anything crazy though. Ilvl on you is also stamina and to a lesser extent armour, so that’ll help you take less damage and make sure brann can keep up.

I’m glad I’ve been able to be some amount of help. Maybe when you’re 615 or so you’ll be able to take a crack at the hard mode.

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I’ve been able to cheese the delves to some degree, but the 10 was pretty difficult. The jump between an 8 and a 10 is pretty crazy. In general the strategy has been: freezing trap dangerous mob, get pet to tank another mob away from the trap, use tar trap and binding shot to control the other mobs (if there are any), and the first mob is usually dead by the time tar and binding are through. Sometimes I can drop a second tar trap to buy a few more seconds. I typically don’t ever get touched.

The strategy of trap and binding shot placement is actually really fun for me. lol

And yeah, you’ve been very helpful. I wouldn’t have considered trying sans pet, even if I am “lone wolf” marksmanship and don’t use the pet in groups/raids.

Yeah. The recommended ilvl jump from 8-10 is like 10 per. Hunters have a lot of tools to punch above their weight against kiteable mobs / bosses. I think that’s why they designed zekvir the way they did with the small room, the large frontals, and the one shotting of pets. They wanted everyone to have a roughly similar experience fighting him, instead of some being able to kite him in circles indefinitely or let their pet do all the work.

Plenty of people?? The plenty of people = very small % of players. I saw a streamer did this from youtube and the streamer said, done this 5 hrs of try. In general, most of us got trouble… if this is intended, this might be successful content but players like me have no idea :disappointed:.

Skill and strats. I could go back in and do it again pretty comfortably. I wrote a guide too and a friend used the info in it to beat it himself today after about an hour.

Yeah, in game recommendation says 623 for tier 10.

I’m used to doing things I shouldn’t be able to on the protection paladin, as well, but there is no way I could kill the cocoons in time with her. She’s not even geared as well as the hunter is right now, anyway.

My brann was healer. He did almost no damage. And 40 ish for “??”, 25 ish for “?”.

Yeah there’s definitely a gear check element to this. I don’t necessarily think that’s a problem though because the content offers pathways to achieve that gear. The tank and healer issue is different though, and needs a more tailored solution.

That doesn’t mean the fights aren’t devoid of skill requirements though. I reckon with perfect play “??” Is doable around 610, but is more realistic around 615. Delvers will cap out at 620 across the tier so there’s an extra 5 ilvl of wiggle room there to help, as well as more brann levels (Though honestly when everything one shots you can’t get more healing than “enough to live the melees”).


With so much dumbness going around in that fight and Brann still getting perma feared, I don’t know how 5 ilvl will make a difference.

I’m at 615 now with the WW spec going through the same problems as before.

When he gets perma feared it’s actually helpful to try to get zekvir to kill him, once he recovers from the knockout 30s later he’s fine.

He gets feared every other fear. Plus the time for Zek’vir to kill him with a cone. Plus 30 seconds. Not accounting all the times he randomly die to the frontal cone even after the damage reduction buff he got.

So a guy who is supposed to help you in the fight will be down for 70% of it and we fine about this?

No, clearly not fine about this. I think bliz have a lot to learn from zekvir and what the right type of challenge is for a solo environment such as this one. I simply want to see as many people defeat it in its current state as possible and am offering suggestions to achieve that.

People are 20-25 levels undergeared and think 5 hours of too long to spend on a boss?


The Retail community is the worst.

the should at the very least offer 3 different versions of this boss fight.

1 for tanks, 1 for heals and 1 for dps, ideally it would be wonderful if they narrowed it down to class and even better if they narrowed it down to class type (give us an achievement to do this fight with multi class/builds).

I guess a fight with interesting mechanics instead of a gear check is too much to ask of blizzard


People are a lot worse than they think they are. I’ll just say that much and leave it at that.