Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

Yeah, pre-hotfixes Brann could face tank the boss. After a few hotfix he wasn’t able to but could still at least kill the egg.
Now after all the hotfixes, his damage is in the gutter and he can’t even kill the egg, let alone the add that spawns from it.

Even after they hotfixed Brann to not be able to tank it, it was still doable with a Blood DK with good RNG on Brann attacking the egg, but now I honestly think it’s just straight impossible, and I don’t see how even the best gear of this season could fix this. Boss just hits too hard, and the DPS check on the egg is just too insane and too frequent.


I just want someone to do it to prove it can be done. Looking from the paladin vid, ret might have a good shot at it since theres burst for the egg and he can deal with the dot in a single button press.
M+ is going to give people another 10 ilvls so I hope we see a clear(before the inevitable nerf).

I think smarter brann AI would be enough for tanks and healers.

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Apparantly you have a problem reading and comprehending. I tried ? And was unable to complete it. I chalked this up to gear level and experience. The fact I got it to 50% with 0 research, on my 2nd attempt, as my basis for assuming it’s doable at some point with higher gear level and experience. As for the ?? Version no I did not attempt it because I was unable to solo the easier version. My point, which I hammered through many times, was you shouldn’t be asking for blizzard to create such easy content you are able to clear it with sub - normal raid gear. That’s the point I made over and over again but hey all of these same people griping about “boo hoo it’s tough” are the same people who scream the game is too easy when they’ve completed all the content in week 1. So go ahead and pick apart this post and only read what you want to. Have a good day.

^Ok but try outskilling the spittle plus a heal both every 40 seconds using only a single interrupt while dpsing an egg spawning in random places also every 40 seconds that gets one shot aoes dropped on it half the time.

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I see you didn’t read the thread.
? is doable
?? will never be doable with current tuning. Maybe next expansion but this is a ONLY this season challenge, so that clearly does not work

It’s like reading an LFR warrior’s opinion on mythic raids - ‘just get better gear’, lol. ?? is a different fight than ?, if you haven’t experienced it you really shouldn’t be arguing here. Nobody here wants to make it easy, just reasonable.


It is sad that people who killed it ?? in first 2 days now all got their achiev and dirigible skin when boss got less health and damage. Then Blizz boosted it and the rest of the players wont make it in this season or even this expansion.


Yeah, idk, as a tank at the recommended ilvl, it feels like theres zero way for me to do the fight even at ? level. I cant kill the cocoons before adds spawn even if i blow all my cooldowns and neglect defense.

Finally got a video with a ?? clear post hotfix by critcake, but I wouldn’t call his strategy a glowing review of how zekvir ?? should be. Massive respect to him though for finding a way to do it AND pulling it off no matter how scuffed.

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Don’t say that here, now blizz is going to fix spell reflect on the P2 fear before I can gear my warrior up enough to do it lol

imgur .com/a/ltQ1JUe

I might admit to the feasibility with higher ilvl if Wildshape Mastery and Ironfur durations were increased or some kind of easier buff maintenance was added. Or alternatively rings/neck/trinkets/weapon with armor on them. As the fight stands right now, this cannot be solo’d by feral at any item level and I’d put money on it. The melee damage is DOUBLED from the ? fight.

I was going to post a tl;dr of the math involved but it gets so feral specific that I’m not sure it’s relevant to the conversation; this is already the short version. Basically this is theoretically possible at ~680 ilvl for feral IF they increase the duration of Ursine Vigor to 6s OR make Zek’vir have 0% crit chance OR add armor on off-pieces. The only way this even becomes feasible is with 100% uptime on Ironfur and Wildshape Mastery which currently takes up 50% of the 6 globals you can cast in the span of Wildshape Mastery. The 680 ilvl is the approximate level necessary for the health pool requirements. The dps requirements are about 1.7m dps in order to kill the egg before it can get a melee hit off which would drive up the hp pool required (the 1.7m is after using 50% of globals on defensives in sequences of 3 across the 18s before Web Blast is cast; ie Convoke only becomes possible when Dwarven Medicine stacks are high enough to full heal every 3 seconds and then only with Survival Instincts active). And all of the above assumes perfect play every time without dropping Dwarven Medicine stacks. So…sometime around the end of 11.2 or 11.3; assuming that the shortened expansion cycle allows for the tradition 3 major patch tiering structure for gear. And again, this still requires changes to Ursine Vigor, removing crit chance from Zek’vir, or a crazy amount of additional armor from somewhere magical.

And god forbid you play a class that doesn’t have Ironfur+Wildshape Mastery or high armor.

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Just gave it a few attempts, at 608 with tier now and it was “better” due to egg damage (as expected from everyone here) but it is still a bit much. I would say Its primarily because of the interrupt situation even as a Shaman. Depending on spell queuing as Ele i can get a second interrupt in about 7 seconds, so if his abilities are spaced enough I can get both of them. Its still a lot of micromanaging for a 6+min encounter

Watching that critcake video, wasnt really seeing debuff was a slow+dot (probably because I was dying before it overly mattered) but that is good information. I have a few potential slow removals so that could fix the DoT along with bran. Shadowmeld thing is quite cheesy though, and that reflect doing 15% of Zekvirs HP??? and did it twice for 30%??? Still a feat but likely would have been substantially harder for anyone else who cant do this, GL warriors.

I personally need some more ilvl for eggs, unless I save some small CDs for them currently then I can’t finish them. If I had to nerf anything about the fight it would probably be like a second longer on Frontals, maybe a couple seconds on Egg, and some auto attack reductions. I would want Brann to tank again but this is a SOL situation with late comers so have to hope for different hotfixes.

30mill spell reflects that was wild lol

O.o negative. This boss. I can hold my own against him for a while but just dont have the dps to win. Maybe another 30ilvls but i doubt it. Prot paladin dps and rotation were slowed down a lot. At least as im experiencing it. Ret has no hope. You feel like you’re killing it up front but then all your CDs are gone and so are you. Im not gonna try any delve solo as a healer so i have no input there.

In a group, (tried 3 and 5) it was a complete disaster. Cocoons feel like their spawn rate is up and if he even looks at anyone but me (prot paladin) theyre dead. Everyone was 595 or better too.

Couldn’t quite figure the vid out, it looks like he didn’t need to Charge off the spittle too often. Dunno if it was luck with Brann dispelling it a lot or something else

Pretty easy as a blood DK with brann as DPS, maybe you just need to work on your tank dmg a bit more.

Spell reflect?

…quietly hoping season one lasts longer than that… zero reason a season should only be a few months. I need time to gear up my new delve challenge character as while I love my void priest…I’m not crazy enough to throw her at Zekvir when Brann can’t hold aggro for the life of him

if it wasn’t for the kick diff I’d be able to do the fight perfectly fine. too much damage, i don’t have enough kicks or defensives for all of that. I’m all for challenging bosses, give me a damn bullet hell and 12 minute fight with minimal errors allowed that’s cool with me. Don’t make my success dependent entirely on my class unless I’m geared to the teeth. This is a boring challenge, because essentially the real “challenge” is just waiting for the end of the season where I’m sitting at 630+ with fully optimized stats, embellishments and trinkets.

the mechanics of this boss aren’t interesting either. let’s hope the next seasons have more interesting bosses :upside_down_face: