Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

Nah, not on the spittle. I think Brann consistently dispels every second one though.
I barely ever saw the fight last long enough to get 3 spittles, so it was hard to see any patterns with him in the fight. But I think he dispels the 1st, 3rd and so on.

I got my token from 1600 arena and got 2 tier. I can consistently damage eggs down now. Problem is he positions his cone aoe on it a lot. With the right amount of luck I can probably clear it now at i609 if the reflect thing is still working on phase 2.

I don’t see any way to preposition for eggs because of the fact they spawn in random places each time. Not sure I want to make 100 attempts simply hoping for good egg positions.

Best attempt had him at like 60%.

Disc and Holy Priest exist, need some BIG changes to the fight to account for those two specs not having access to ANY kick.

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Program DPS Brann to interrupt every heal. Should be sufficient.

just give people manual access to his kick like hes a pet. I’m perfectly fine with managing kicks if it means he actually does it instead of just 1/3 of the time lol.

Imagine if he actually damaged the cocoon consistently.


So close yet so far

What does this even reward? I’m searching around randomly and it seems not worth it at all to go through the pain and agony of this encounter.

Title + Void Airship.

People also wanna do it just to do it, they enjoy a challenge and something they can gain mastery over / work towards success. The issue right now is the fight has too much RNG and is designed in such a way that only a handful of specs have a path towards victory without drastically overgearing it.


I mean…I"m sorry to bust warrior’s bubbles but seriusly tired of how janky SR and SB work, I started a war in the warrior class forums about this . Didn’t meant to, but I’m seriusly over it.
It should always work or never work. Not work with 9000000 “gotchas”

Yeah, after spell reflect was melting Twilight Bastion Heroic’s final boss they aren’t letting us spell reflect a ton, understandably. I just wish we had “blovkable” “spellblockable” and “reflectable” in the journal.

Feels like everyone who says Zekvir ?? is beatable have not tried him post-hotfix.

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You didn’t know that you are suppose to be ilvl5000 and spec Tank/DPS/Heals?

Got him down to 10% with my frost mage ilvl 595 lol maybe I’ll get lucky past 600

That was on T1 of Zekvir.

Fury has done it, ret has proof of concept. I can do it as Shadow but I need more gear than I have (And more than I think is reasonable for a delve only player to ever achieve).

Many other dps specs, and all tanks and healers though? Correct it’s not possible.

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THERES ZERO reason Zekvir is as hard as it is post patch. literally have spent over 2 hours trying to kill in in groups of 5 or more. tried cc adds and focusing boss, tried killing adds and then swapping to boss to no avail. its right down ridiculous how overtuned its gotten. and im taking with everyone 595+ in gear. ridiculous on blizzards part like always.

To be clear if this is zekvir ?? It’s completely reasonable for that fight not to be tuned around such a low ilvl. I’d expect something closer to 615-620, but it’s also not that either.

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If people had a pet bar for Brann, there wouldn’t even need to be nerfs.

(But I guess, that technically counts as one.)

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I think there are still specs that would struggle, and I’m not personally a fan of brann doing the damage “for” a lot of specs, but something does need to change.

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