Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

lots of people have killed ansurek already my guy

So if they delete the crest system, and by extension crafting, will you be praising wow?

Against 10 or 25 other people, in the first weeks of an expansion (which is what we are comparing to when you talk about seal lockouts), the chance of doing so is essentially zero. The fact that it could theoretically happen is essentially a non-event in the discussion of the function of the system as a regulation of increasing player power.

Furthermore, in the context in which those things existed originally, the discussion was about the relative increase in the power of the group, not the individual, and bosses dropped a given amount of power increase to the group in total.

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does the brann takes damage to do damage relic help?

maybe not heroic havnt looked and obviously not mythic but i get your point yes progression exists and is good. its why i play wow aside form the story

Yes, and?

I don’t literally mean “it’s not possible by any means”; nor is that distinction relevant to the discussion. In comparison with its analogues, it is at the extremely high end of difficulty, where the vast majority of people won’t complete it without significantly more power available to them (which is where it belongs - the same is true of high level keys and end-raid mythic bosses).

i still cant figure out the crest trade in system. i’m to stupid to figure that stuff out.

Attempted this some more:

Can get past egg one, egg two I guess I got lucky with crits yesterday, so that’s not consistent.

The dot isn’t that relevant because Brann can keep people alive.

So would the requirements be to interrupt the heal, and consistently kill the egg? (Putting it out of reach of four specs in the game.)

I only have it at 1/4 but I was running it, and no. I cannot stress how much brann is a genuine liability to me on this fight. The margins for having him down, the add up, and the boss not spell queueing and actually melee attacking, are absolutely tiny. Reducing them even more by making him so much harder to kill has made it impossible until I have the gear to kill the eggs consistently.


I didn’t realize that I could do Zekvir already, lol. I thought you had to complete an 11 and I hadn’t gone past 8 (mostly cause I have multiple toons to gear, so I’ve just been focusing on doing 8 bountifuls on all of them). But my brother told me I could, so I went to give it a try.

603 shaman… here’s my experience.

Bran is crap. Actually, Bran is less useful than a steaming pile of crap would have been in his place.

Elemental I can burst the boss down a good portion. Between lust + CDs, I chunk him and pretty consistently managed to get him down to 60-50% hp. THe problem, unfortunately, is that my DPS starts to fall off very quickly dodging the stupid frontal, interrupting his magic cast I can’t dispel (now that I think about it, though, I wonder if poison cleansing totem would dispel it… it shows up as “blue” on my interface, so I just assumed it was a magic dispel, which would make sense since as resto I could dispel it and resto can’t single dispel poison without totem), and dodging the fear circle. There’s so much movement… Funnily enough, his melee attacks have not once been what kills me. What usually ends up borking my run is the fact that the web spawns, I can’t burst it down (while Zekvir is beating the hell out of me + dealing with his mechanics) before the stupid spider spawns. Then I am faced with a problem: I can interrupt Zekvir or I can interrupt the spider. If I don’t interrupt Zekvir, I die to the passive dot damage OR get slowed and die to frontal/fear. If I don’t interrupt the spider, I get stunned and then die to frontal/fear. If Bran was actually worth existing and actually did something for damage output and the spider/web actually died, the encounter wouldn’t be so bad. My brother was able to do it on his ret paladin fairly easy cause he could freedom Zekvir’s dot so he never had to worry about it killing him (also, he did it prior to bran getting borked).

Restoration These attempts didn’t go quite as well. Frankly, I had no issues keeping Bran alive with Earth Shield + Riptide + Healing Stream Totem. He seemed to stay alive just fine. However, here are the factors into why:

  • The shockwave is cast at me 98% of the time and not Bran.
  • If I so much as use ONE lightning bolt or ONE lava burst on Zekvir, I have threat from that point forward.

The issue I faced with Restoration was that I couldn’t kill the spider. I couldn’t nuke the web fast enough; I couldn’t kill the spider once it spawned. I could keep the spider interrupted (and just dispel Zekvir’s cast), but the spider always aggro’d me and the moment the second spider was out, it’s game over.

It feels like this challenge, at least from a solo perspective, was designed around Bran’s ability to actually assist you and they have gone and removed that capability it would seem. If Bran actually did something other than give himself prostate exams while I’m getting victimized by the LAPD, it wouldn’t be so bad of an encounter.


the “poison” is a magic debuff, but its also a snare so you can use thunderous paws to get rid of it the only caveat is that you have to get used to not using ghost wolf to dodge if you commit to that approach.

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That’s going to be rough for me, hahaha. It’s my reflex any time I go to move to shift GW as I’m doing it, lol.

This is also the ? Version of the fight, which is very manageable. Kick heal, ghost wolf dot, rotate CDs for egg, and whittle him down. Don’t waste damage into the boss.

The discussion here is about ?? Difficulty, which unlocks after you do any delve on a 10 and is significantly harder.


I feel you on that when i’ve done zekvir ? I had to get used to being fairly close to melee so its easier to dodge while also always being ready to gust of wind out of danger.


I look forward to servers coming back up and giving it another go with the advice! Appreciate it!

So far I have enjoyed Zekvir more than the rest of the delves (from a solo perspective), lol. But, I also had a blast in the challenge mode(s) of Torghast and Mage Tower.

Zekvir ? Was fun and a decent challenge for the average delve player at 600~ ilvl. Only a couple pulls for me tho.

Zekvir ?? Is either extremely overtuned or built for ilvls not acquirable from delves. Hoping it gets some fixes and look forward to being one of the first to beat it as intended, especially as my spec.


Praising wow? LOL

I assume you play a game because you actually… like it? Or do you subscribe just to complain on the forums?

why is it you needed Brann to die to get further? just curious I dont know a lot of caster classes

Because I wasn’t killing eggs. I was letting the spider spawn, mind controlling it, and fading to get zekvir to melee it to death.

If brann is up zekvir hits brann instead, and there’s only a really small window to fade to remove the dot, and have the boss not cast spells so it will melee something. If brann isn’t dead in that moment it’s a wipe cuz zekvir doesn’t kill the spider.

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