Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

Most recent hotfix made it impossible again. I need brann to be dead and now he doesn’t die.

If I had the option to go in without brann or if he stayed dead once he died I’d be done by now.

Aww, what did they change now?

Brann takes 80% less damage.

Is he perma-feared in p2? Supposedly, never expires.

Can’t get to p2 anymore. P1 was significantly harder before the changes anyway for me. Maybe 1/13 attempts had the right spell queueing.

Later when you have higher item level from heroic raids and mythic plus. It’s been one week your crying is b.s.

Because that is, quite literally, the model of an MMORPG like WoW?

Calling “gearing up” time gating is a little odd. Besides world first crazy skill guilds nobody is beating final raid bosses week 1, and nobody’s pushing M+20 or whatever week 1; it’s less representative that the rest of delve is already clearable than it is that zekvir’s not.

1: Maybe
2: Some specs aren’t built for this fight at all, outright lacking tools needed to handle the mechanics regardless of ilvl.
3: Given this is the endgame for delve content it should be doable with ilvl achieved by delves. At present that maxes out at roughly 620.


It has to be higher than 623 (because that’s recommended for 10.) Bad design perhaps.

Gearing up is literally time-gated by blizzard. Do you not understand this?

Can’t fully upgrade any of your gear until enough weeks pass to let you collect enough crests.

Did you mean to reply to me? Because nothing about what you said contradicted anything that I said.

Yes, gearing up is time gated, but it is also the basic model of the game, and has always existed in that state. That is very different from the general use of “time gating” as it applies to wow, where actual content is locked and unavailable for weeks at a time.

Since the release of the game, you’ve only been able to get as much gear as is possible to drop for you in a given lockout period, and your capacity to complete content has been defined as a function of your skill vs. that gear. The periods and impacts of each have changed, but the broad strokes model is the same.

Tell me how TBC gearing was time gated please.

A person could walk into Gruul’s Lair and get a dragon spine trophy with no need to further upgrade its item level with a time gated currency.

In every other iteration of wow except dragonflight, you got the item to drop and you had it at its full power.

no one said they had to be exclusively done with delve gear. this game is meant to be played as a whole. is it overturned sure maybe. should we be killing the hardest difficulty of the season on the first week? NO

Gruul was limited to once a week. How are raid lockouts not a time gate?

Having its full power is just an extension of the same thing; power from equipment. Prior to item upgrading, you were simply regulated by lockouts alone. You simply could not get all the gear you need (or even much of it, early on against competition) in the first week.

so you want less progression? seems odd to me. being able to upgrade loot is nice. especially when drops don’t hit for you and you need to sub in other items. wow has always been timegated because there has always been lockouts to content. dont be asinine

A person could clear gruul’s lair and get two pieces of tier 4, a weapon and dragonspine trophy.

Then that person could walk over to Kara in the same week and get more t4, then walk over the Magtheridon’s Lair and get your last piece of t4: all in one week.

Incorrect. Read my post here

I imagine if Blizzard removed the crest system, people will be praising the game about how it’s not time gated anymore.

Or run it for an entire expansion and never get it

this was back when brann was doing 1mil+ dps instead of 100k if you are lucky.