Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

Dev evoker 605 Ilvl. Was lucky that when cone hit, that I had obsidian scales active.

And when fear hit, I ended up close to dead, but lived.

I wonder if Rescue can keep Brann out of fear on ??

Lol, nice.

I was saving my defensives mainly for if a DOT made it through and Brann didn’t cleanse it and to lessen auto attack damage if I had ran out of hover juice.

I missed maybe 70% of the kicks. Had dot on me most of the time.

Grats on your kill.

Guess your Brann was working overtime with his dispell. Lol

Renewing blaze was also great against the DOT.

The real issue with the dot is the slow. And that’s how I got hit by fear or frontal.

Could have technically used verdant embrace or rescue to escape in addition to hover.

It ticks for like 400k damage, screw the slow. Lol

cmon guys…WHY aren’t web blast and the dot spell block or reflectable. they are SPELLS…this is some garbage

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Okay guys I thought of a strat but I have to level an alt to give it a try. I’ll report back if fight isn’t nerfed by the time I finish.

This is also not doable even when we reach mythic raid ilvl

700ilvl due to bugs, being way overtuned, and backpacking the heaviest anvil in the world named Brann.

You only got hit with 2 autos then a web and died, did you recap the damage?

I don’t see how season bis is going to make that big of a difference.

I’m 602 and being 630-639 would not prevent a death there. The margin of error is too small and the damage is way out of proportion hence the 700 imo and yes that is laughable but thats the point.

Also a lot of this comes down to Brann as the fight is suppose to be designed with a helpful ally not an absolute 6-ton anvil in your backpack.

I wish the fight was a true 1v1 without Brann rng even if he was good.

Tomorrow we should see a fix and then I can get more data as to the current standing. Fingers crossed


So I’m not sure about Impossible given it was solo’d live on stream by a ilvl 593 mage before the release of Mythic Plus.

Can we hold of on such exaggerated claims please, it makes it harder for them to look through the real, legitimate and valid gripes with the game that people have that blizzard should be focused on.

https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=bUJCmjv5vCg

Well if you actually read further than the title you’d know that it was completely doable during the time of the video you linked, and has since been hotfixed to be anything but.


That was before the hotfix. The fight is no longer the same.

Go check discussions and read more of the forums. If that was the case and the fight was the same none of us would be here…

As someone who has both “Breaker of the Black Harvest” and “The Faceless One” titles, i gotta agree. The one shot attacks combined with having to dodge the boss mechs and constantly interrupt him is too much. The fight probably wouldn’t be as bad if it wasnt for the eggs.

Brann can actually keep himself up quite well at 35 I find. I’m not sure what the max for Brann is meant to be. However a max level healer Brann might never die, that’s the feeling I get. I kinda hope they don’t nerf it until at least one person clears. Just because I think it can be done in theory and I’d like to see it done.

Incorrect, the death was the poison dot. Had no interrupt and Brann did not dispel it.
On the Brann issues you mentioned, see above post. He might also dispel more or something at higher levels too. You don’t need to interrupt the heal when Brann and your DPS is high enough, although it makes the fight longer he was slowly dying.

That death was avoidable.
Problem is I would’ve died once the egg (the third one in that fight) hatched. I was out of DPS cooldowns so it was never going to die. It’s the egg that’s gatekeeping the clear.

It serves as a bad showcase for why the egg is the problem (I made egg 1 look easy). But it shows most mechanics are doable and Brann is mostly keeping himself alive. He’s about 33 there.

It took like 5+ recordings of dying to eggs 1 and 2 to get that footage. So forgive me if it wasn’t actually the egg in that particular case, but it’s definitely the egg making it currently impossible and not the dot at the end.

I’m sure it can be consistently done with more damage and a higher Brann.

If you’d read the topic you would know that was pre-thursday hotfix where they giga nerfed brann and made zekvir auto for 3m


evoker dude if you are in here
You are saying Brann gets feared around in phase 2 aka sub 50%? It sounds like you are the furthest.

My Brann at 35 is close to staying alive indefinitely on phase 1.
Prehotfix clears had him tanking the whole time. If its just that he dies and not that hes actually chain feared the whole time, its probably passable by leveling him further.

That’s just from research. Fear is supposed to never expire. Haven’t been there myself. Hpellipsis is at 18% or something.