Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

again, we WERE having the same chat in 2009.

our long paragraph doesn’t change that.

Doesn’t work on magic. :frowning: Anyway, need Brann to live…

It’s not the same as 2009 as you know it.

Get off your “elitest horse” and support the community as you should.

Dumb idea, tried rescuing him out of it?

neat! but this is something different. this isn’t mage tower.

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If the boss was meant to be killed at a certain high-level or Bran supposed to be a high-level they should’ve just said that and communicated that better. If that’s not the case, then they really need to be more thorough about when they make changes live like that otherwise, you end up with issues where you fix one thing, but it ends up breaking another thing. I just feel that they need a nerf the adds health But that’s just my opinion, I spam ignore pain in my rotation so it seems like I can somewhat mitigate the auto attacks but maybe this changed recently.

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This community has damaged the game enough.

Go play classic then.

You’re clearly only here to pour salt on wounds inflicted by Blizzard and feel good about players struggling.

If it’s so bad stop playing and forever reminisce on the “good ol’ days” of wow when you were probably good for a week…

in this thread: the guy complaining about the game is telling the guy enjoying the game to leave.

seems backwards… does it not? mr hundreds of hours of analysis in a solo content that came out a week ago?

tremor totem works for me, I can also ghost wolf out of the poison all thats stopping ele right now is the insane damage intake that deletes earth ele then deletes the shaman since I’m pretty sure with gear I can get the eggs. But alas have some of the pieces to a puzzle does nothing if some key pieces just don’t exist.

oh now you’re grasping at angles to redeem this thread somehow to be in your favor?

Lmao i’m done, just exit the thread while you have some dignity left.


I think with Brann’s aid I can get out of P1, but it seems I’ll be losing him for p2. Didn’t attempt it much.


So why are you defending the current state of a fight you haven’t done, have stated you have no interest in doing, and clearly haven’t checked whether it actually is broken or not? Sometimes a fight really does need to be changed because it doesn’t work, and zekvir is one such fight on ??.


am i defending it? let me scroll up… not in post 390. Not in 388. Not in 382. I think you’re confusing my statement that the community sucks and likes to jump to “mathematically impossible” as a defense of kinds. If that’s your understanding, then sure I guess I am defending it. My statement remains and i stand by my words. How you wish to perceive it is your choice.

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They really need to add every class/spec into the achievement separate.

They all tackle it differently and have pro/cons but watching you eat that fear and take the frontal cone to the face AND survive. Man…

This is the ? Version nobody is complaining about that.

Yep, fully aware and have completed it as well.

It still needs to be an achiev unique to each class/spec.

Lool no. 700ilvl would more than double all stats. You way exaggerated. It’s probably tuned around current bis and a max Brann. Watch my vid.

I got hit by frontal and fear once on my kill on ?

I think I see a path forward for ?? too.

Rescue might be the key.

When fear hit me I’d be left on 30% HP.

Frontal cone would 100% to 0 me. (Dev evoker 602ilvl)