Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

tbh i didnt know there was another difficulty, sorry wasnt trying to derail

Heres an attempt taking him to about 80% ish

I don’t sustain this dps normally, luck is involved here.
Some things to note

  • His regen goes off and he is still taking enough damage. If Brann can continued being leveled to 50 (some are saying he is capped at late 30s) then the carapace heal can probably just go off.
  • I’m wondering if anyone can consistently kill the egg, maybe a ranged spec that isn’t worried about a stationary target? I know cloth are having trouble with the basic melee but in my case, the egg is the only thing really gatekeeping me from clearing.
  • This is so far above T11 its kinda bizarre. Delves are still too easy for the gear I find, so I welcome something harder. But this is a whole different level of difficulty.

Item level 607 Ret with 619 weapon. Bubbled myself and full bursted the egg with all available cooldowns. Got egg to ~15% health.

And that’s bubbled so I don’t just die to autos. Realistically I’m spamming all holy power into glory to stay alive.

what conduits/curios did you used for Brann?

why do people think it’s acceptable to timegate content behind months and months of gearing instead of it just being a challenge to complete on release?

Numbers and sustain aside, the fight is a fundamentally flawed RNGfest imo. When the egg spawns, as melee you have to either:
-pray he aims at Brann
-waste time and bait both cones away
-go for the egg and move away when he aims at you, again losing a ton of dps (he’s often miles away from the egg, which means the cone gets massive - good luck DKs)
-leave the egg to interrupt him
all of the above, only for him to most likely end up on top of you and the egg and cast his aoe fear too.

I honestly don’t know why the easy mode felt so much better, I mean obviously the numbers, but the timings/cast times didn’t seem so BS.

^I think the aoes have less dodge time on the higher tier. But its most likely the egg messing with you the most and getting you into tough/impossible positions in an attempt to kill it.

We are talking about DPSing a stationary target on a very short timer as a melee character. It also spawns in a completely random location (no prepositioning allowed).
Trying to dodge giant aoes in various directions and also staying on the egg to burst dps it on a very tight timer is another layer deeper than just dodging the aoes themselves.

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They should nerf the health of the webbed add.


Long fight but I did complete it. I guess this might give someone a few ideas.

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You seem to be a bit confused on how big a 17% stat difference makes. And we are talking about delves… Hence the entire discussion. Stop wanting everything to be so damn easy. I have tried zekvir solo and in a group. Your absolutely right it’s a challenge. A challenge I did not overcome. However I welcome the challenge and instead of coming here crying about “it’s so tough boo hoo” instead I realized that when I have better gear and more experience I’ll try again.

Are you talking about the initial difficulty which is actually fair and balanced, or the hard mode which is referred to as ?? difficulty which has zekvir meleeing for multimillion damage?

This is the base difficulty, not the challenge version being discussed.

ooops my bad

thats not the higher tier dude :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Still impossible post hotfixes.
He still auto attacks you for 75% of your HP, he still 2 shots brann (80% damage reduction on brann lol) and brann still does 0 damage

Unless i’m mistaken- and these go live tommorow, if so i’ll report back tommorow

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This is a classic case of speaking without knowing.

I have 100’s of hours of data researching and practicing this fight before and after the hotfix while comparing with others.

You simply have not tried this fight extensively to speak accurately on it.

Everyone loves to play the “skill issue” card but in reality it’s just ignorance.

The fight is simply broken and the massive updates we are getting tomorrow prove that.

Current bugs/ issues recorded are: Damage dealt and received by Zekvir & adds range dramatically. Timing issues regarding skills, interrupt bugs, L.O.S bugs, overlap bugs, brann aggro, wall bugs, animation bugs, the list goes on.

Brann also performs the exact same damage vs zekvir as heal spec or dps.

Again, I’ve spent significant time researching & practicing this fight. I am also nationally ranked on other mmos so skill is not an issue here.

Simply, do your research before defending content and potentially causing more damage in the game.

Blizzard needs to know this is broken, so as a community it is our responsibility to report that. Not support it as you’re ignorantly suggesting.


was this english?

As is you won’t be able to complete it.

You would need close to a 700 ilvl to overcome the bugs and scaling problems present.

Too many of you are speaking without knowing. Try 200+ attempts and researching over 100 hours and you will find many bugs and issues as I have previously stated.

No one is completing it currently and the lack of video content on the fight proves it. Along with the changes going in tomorrow (if they work) you’ll find that the way the fight is currently is broken.

Do your research then come back bud


I’m curious, is there a way to prevent Brann from being perma feared in P2?

I think there’s a way for me to burst down the adds reliably now.

Gave ?? a few attempts.

Caut flame I guess?