Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

Yes he can be revived infinitely.

What if he just acted like a pet, being immune to area damage and not being hit by fear?

For me he still needs some AI still. Like being able to focus the egg and other such things.

Reviving him is not something you can feasibly do in combat, let alone during the zekvir encounter, and he will auto revive after being dead for 30 seconds.

The fact he stands in the fear willingly, oftentimes walking into it when he was otherwise safe, is ridiculous to me.

However until the egg health is reduced I need him to die / be dead as often as possible otherwise I have no chance of being able to do it.

I agree with everyone saying that it is way overtuned right now. I did all the delves 11 without dying and did the ? Zekvir fight at the very least 4 times (trying to drop the curio, which i still havent obtained).

As a prot warrior, the ?? fight feels impossible simply because, no matter what i do, i cannot kill the egg in time before it hatches. Damage taken is manageable, as i am very well geared (607 ilvl) and can survive the onslaught with proper CD usage.

The interrupts are a problem but warriors can remove the DoT with avatar, so i can safely interrupt the healing as long as i save it specifically for the dot. That, of course, is part of the reason i cannot kill the egg in time, since avatar is my biggest (and only) offensive cd.

Brann, set as a dps, does absolutely nothing during the fight: he rarely interrupts, he doesnt target the eggs and, even when he does, he does little to no damage.

In my opinion, its unacceptable that my damage as a tank is higher than his damage as a dps, even if he is meant to be a support character.


Healing him to 100% also gets him back in action.

You’re going to need him alive if he is the healer. So if there is nothing super pressing like eggs or something to move out of revive him. Boss DPS unless there is an enrage timer probably isn’t super important. But dropping stacks of the healing hot will make you play more defensive than you probably need to.

was able to solo with a a single target focused minion build on the DK wearing full tank gear @ 600. save CDs for each add.

Can ya share your talent build for shadow? my dominate mind seems to be getting hit by diminishing returns and the spider goes free when DM is still at 15 sec cd, are you killing the spooder and dominating the next one by any chance?

Yeah, the “?” difficult of the fight is definitely doable. Not the “??” tho.


No I need him dead so he doesn’t get meleed by the boss when I want him to melee something else.

Ah yeah guess the need to have zekvir kill the spider is the way

idk how you’re supposed to keep up with the adds. even on ? difficulty. their health seems bonkers even if u play as well as possible

I have been making a number of attempts on it.
I believe it is theoretically doable.

What I think is annoying is a bunch of people cleared it pre nerf and blizzard didn’t roll them back. Exploit early, exploit often wins once again. Now everyone has to struggle.

How to actually win the fight? You need good gear and I wouldn’t doubt for a moment certain specs can’t clear it period. I think you’ll want specific stats even. I have a lot of vers I don’t need. I need an extra 20% damage squeezed out to get the egg consistently. This should be doable at a higher gear level.
I have got him to about 80%.

Egg seems like a major gear check. Plate can survive the melee.

“Recommended ilvl 600+” …

A full group of people at around 606 had no chance at all here.

I finished ever mage tower challenge when people were complaining about it being overtuned. I did the resto shaman challenge before they nerfed it.

This isn’t the same. This is just stupid.


? has a recommended ilvl.
?? does not.

O. Well then nevermind

I was able to complete it today on my brewmaster. I tried mistweaver first because that was working for me In delves but realized it wasn’t enough dps for the adds. My brewmaster does a lot of damage though, specd into shado-pan. I put bran has a healer with the extra potions and extra crit. Your touch of death should always be saved for add. Always prioritize add. I have 3 or 4 stuns. It was a long fight. Brann never really got close to dieing really so not sure why he is dieing so fast for you. Also make sure to spec into vivacious vivification. My ilvl is like 594.

Well, that could only mean you did the ?, not ??.

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Video or it didnt happen. This is another ? clear