Zekvir's Lair is impossible to complete by "normal" means

Some of mankind’s greatest feats all derive from someone initially saying “it’s impossible”.

No, it’s not impossible to kill Zekvir. It might be difficult, too difficult in fact, but it’s not impossible.

Sure thing fam.

oh no, it’s terrible game design philosophy.

I was talking about playerbase’s overreaction to said terrible design philosophy.

17% more power seems low?

632 weapon has 22% more intellect than a 610 weapon.

So yes, it is on average. Maybe some specs can get more power than others, but for example: I have a 610 trinket, which the 636 version of the same trinket has 6% more damage, and in simulations, it provides a 0.6% DPS upgrade.

So it just an average of total power. Some equipments grow more in stats than others, like gloves and braces that give minor upgrades. Stat-wise I think you can get up to 20%, yes.

I do get this. Skill should be the primary defining factor, not gear ilevel. That being said, you’re also not going to complete heroic or mythic raids in ilevel 500 gear. There is a cut off point at which gear is the actual issue, and there has to be.

Also, there is a huge difference between a 600 ilevel character and someone who has 625+ which can be easily obtainable further along in the season. There is going to be a massive difference in health, dps, etc. The boss will absolutely be doable once we are geared up a bit more during the season.

Edit: Also set bonuses play a noticeable impact in player power which people will have. Not to mention adding extra gem sockets through the JC raid drop pattern, embellishments, 3 star enchants and things that you wouldn’t put on a piece of gear that you will replace in a week.

If the discussion is going to be open in the gear factor, thank you for at least understand what the challenge should be about. Although yes, I agree that a fresh level 80 shouldnt be able to just do it because it all about skill. Like on the mage tower, minor DPS checks are a good thing.

And thats is where the doubt comes in, because I can’t believe this in the current situation. By expected value like I said earlier, its about a 17% overall upgrade. Some stats, like stamina, could grow up to 20% easily.

And 20% more health and damage, in the current situation, isn’t something to make this fight viable.

As I stated a lot through the replies, there is other main problems, like Brann dying from a lot of different sources within 30 seconds of the fight.

I wonder if Brann dying is intentional, but then you have disc / holy priest without an interrupt. (But they are healers, so maybe they can keep brann up.)

Without an interrupt the fight is literally impossible.

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From the dot, yes, but Brann actually stands on the frontal cone, which is about 60mi damage. He also stands on the fear, and although I wasn’t able to hit the second phase of the boss, the 5 second fear turns into permanent fear.

Yeah brann is basically useless in P2. He gets immediately feared and there’s way more avoidable things for him to stand in.

P2 for the player is honestly easier than P1, less time being meleed in the face.

Are you slow chaining the pots to build stacks of the hot? It should never fall off and after it stacks high enough does immortality levels of healing.

You can imp dispel it too.

What is the recommended ilvl for the delve and what was your when you tried?

I was in one of the hallowfall dungeons where you fight a big shadow on an airship at the end. Bran went down several times that fight because he stood in the one shot aoe circle mechanic.

We do not have any real control over that unless you’re a priest with life grip or something, so I don’t think that should happen to him as often as it does. Should he be able to go down if we aren’t killing mobs fast enough to protect him, absolutely because that depends on our skill and effectiveness to a degree. But him just being dumb and not moving out of a clearly deadly mechanic doesn’t feel great.

imo: fine if DPS brann dies, not so much if healer brann dies though.

Problem is that you need the felhunter for the interrupts. In ?? difficulty, he has a heal that will heal himself for 25% of his health that must be interrupted. Not to mention other things that you might need/want to interrupt in certain situations.

Yeah you kinda just have to pick your poison. I don’t think it’s doable rn.

im 607.68 rn, I can’t see more gear making this doable in its current state.

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What if healer brann was immortal, would that break anything? (Assuming he also had the never able to hold threat thing turned on.)

Since there is an achievement to revive Brann can he be revived infinitely? It seems to me the biggest issue is if he dies at a bad time.